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Category: John 2

  • Jesus Knew What Was in Man

    (John 2:23-25) Whom should you trust? Who can you trust and know that you will be OK in all situations? Until you really know a person it is not wise to entrust yourself to them as people will take advantage of others if they have the opportunity. In this section of scripture we see that…

  • Destroy this Temple and in Three Days I Will Raise It Up

    (John 2:18-22) Jesus had just chased the pigeon sellers and money changers from the temple. He overturned their tables and used a whip of cords to drive out the animals from the temple. In his zeal for the temple as being a house of prayer and not a place for commerce he brought order and…

  • Jesus Drives The Money Changers From The Temple

    (John 2:13-17) Imagine a market place at the time of Christ. The sounds of animals intermingled with the shouts of vendors selling their wares and the clink and rattle of money as it exchanges hands. An intoxicating combination of sounds, sights and smells attacking all of your senses. Well that’s all fine in a market…

  • Jesus turned the Water into Wine

    (John 2:1-12) This section of scripture is interesting for a number of reasons. It is a well known piece of scripture as many have discussed it, written about it and there are even songs about it. This is described as the first of the miracles that Jesus performed by the Apostle John, and it is…