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Category: John 14

  • The Ruler of This World

    (John 14:28-31) Time for a quick quiz. Who is the ruler of this world that Jesus was referring to in this section of scripture? A king or a queen? Perhaps Herod or the Caesar of Rome? If you answered any of these you would be wrong. What if this event had happened today instead of…

  • The Peace of Christ

    (John 14:25-27) Peace! In this world just the very word is like water to a thirsty man. But there is a peace that is greater than anything in this world. The peace of God which passes all understanding, as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:7. And the peace of Christ is not like the peace we…

  • How to Love Jesus

    (John 14:18-24) Many Christians say that they love the Lord and that they love Jesus, but often they are talking from emotion. The love they describe is based on feelings. In this section we are taught how to love Jesus, not through feelings and emotions, but through obedience. If we want to love Jesus and…

  • The Holy Spirit

    (John 14:15-17) Jesus tells the disciples that they will be given the gift of the Holy Spirit in this section of scripture. Over the next few chapters of John He begins to show different aspects of the Holy Spirit. He shows things about the nature of the Holy Spirit, how we receive it, who sends…

  • Gifts of God

    (John 14:12-14 – Gifts of God) Is there any limit to what God can and will do for His people? Is there anything that He will not give His people if they ask for it? No. There is no limit to the love and generosity of the Lord. The gifts of God that He gives…

  • I Am In The Father

    (John 14:7-11) Jesus and the Father were inseparable. They thought alike, acted alike and worked together as one. In this scripture we see the depth of their relationship when Jesus says to Philip, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?” (Verse 10) So close were they that…

  • Jesus Is The Way

    (John 14:4-7) The Bible tells us that Jesus is the way to eternal life and salvation. He said in this scripture that, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” So this makes it pretty clear that if we want to find the road to eternity, we need to recognise that Jesus is…

  • I Go To Prepare a Place

    (John 14:1-3) This is a much loved verse by many Christians as it has such a great promise and hope for those who are in the Lord. It is where Jesus says, “I go to prepare a place for you” and, “In my Father’s house are many rooms.” What a wonderful image this presents. It…