Category: Ephesians

  • Keep Alert

    As we continue our walk with Christ we are reminded by Paul in these closing verses of Ephesians to keep alert. There are many warnings to keep alert and remain alert and this article looks at some of those reasons.

  • Seven Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

    There are seven weapons of spiritual warfare that all Christians must take hold of if they are to effectively wage war in the spiritual realm. It is not sufficient to take hold of only some of these, and we are instructed by Paul in the verse prior to this section that we must take ALL…

  • Take the Whole Armour of God

    One of the things we learn as we grow in Jesus Christ is that we are at war. Every minute of the day and in every circumstance we may find ourselves in places where we are being attacked spiritually and sometimes verbally or even physically. If we are to wage this spiritual war effectively, then…

  • Who is your enemy?

    Who is your enemy? Is it the person vying for your position or promotion at work? Is it the guy who is “road raging” you on the way home? Is it the opposition political party or even the opposition football or other sporting team? In truth none of these are your enemy. And even when…

  • No Partiality With God

    Partiality is an awful thing. Whether you call it favouritism or the darker descriptions of prejudice, discrimination, bias or inequity, it is an awful thing. Partiality is evil and so with God there is NO partiality.

  • Respectful Relationships

    Part of the call to Jesus Christ is to learn to respect others. It is part of the process of change going on in all those who are truly seeking the ways of God to learn respect. As we grow in maturity in Jesus Christ we grow into the image of Christ, which is the…

  • You are a Child of God

    These first few words of Ephesians chapter 6 give us a powerful message both as earthly parents and as children of God. They teach us what it means to be a child of God and how to behave as one of His children.

  • Husbands and Wives in Christ

    One of the things that never ceases to amaze me is how some Christians seem to have taken this section of scripture in Ephesians 5:21-33 completely out of context. They ascribe roles to the husband and wife in a marriage that are completely out of sync with what these verses are saying.

  • Be filled with the Spirit

    It never ceases to amaze me how some scriptures have been taken out of context or have been abused to uphold some position that they are not really supporting or even suggesting. This scripture today is one of those.

  • Making the most of your time

    It is not inconceivable to expect to see the return of the Lord in our lifetimes. This is an exciting time for those who are in Jesus Christ, and will be a terrifying time for those who are not. Which is why Paul warns us in these scriptures that we must make to most of…

  • Exposed by the Light

    We live in dark times as Christians today. The darkness of sin and evil is possibly the worst it has ever been. We cannot be complacent. We cannot allow the influence of these things into our lives to pull us back into the world. Instead, we need to expose this evil to the light of…

  • Learn what is pleasing to the Lord

    If you want to live with Christ into eternity, then there is one thing that you and I and ALL Christians must learn to do. We must learn what is pleasing to the Lord.