Category: Acts 2
(Acts 2:42-47) One of the key messages of the gospel in the New Testament is the need for fellowship. We see the purpose and focus of fellowship in these few verses in Acts 2 after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Fellowship is important, but what does it really entail? What is required…
Promise of Salvation
(Acts 2:36-41) As Peter concluded his oration on Pentecost Day we see the unfolding of the first massive calling to the people and the revelation of salvation. In these few words we find an example of the Great Commission that Jesus told the disciples they were to carry out. This day brought the beginnings of…
Peter Convicts The Jews
(Acts 2:25-36) Peter stood with the disciples on the Day of Pentecost and with a voice powered by the Holy Spirit he spoke and convicted the people of Jerusalem over the death of Jesus. He showed them in no uncertain terms from the scriptures that they all were familiar with, that they had put to…
Jesus Could Not Be Held By Death
(Acts 2:22-24) Jesus died at Calvary. We all know that. We also know that He was resurrected from the dead three days after He had been put to death because Jesus could not be held by death. But why? What was the reason why He could not be held by death? And also is there…
The Promise of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:14-21) When John the Baptist was working in his ministry he spoke of Jesus saying that He was the one who would baptise people with the Holy Spirit. John baptised with water, but Jesus came and died so that we could be baptised with the Holy Spirit. After the disciples received the Holy Spirit…
Speaking in Tongues
(Acts 2:5-13) In this section of scripture where the disciples received the Holy Spirit we see the first outpouring of the gift of speaking in tongues. Here we note the people in Jerusalem rush together at the sound of the disciples who were all speaking in tongues together. Now there were many visitors in Jerusalem…
Pentecost and Receiving the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:1-4) Jesus appeared to the disciples for forty days after he had arisen. This was to show them the truth of the resurrection so that they would believe and know that all He had said concerning the ministry was true. And Jesus was preparing them for what was to come for the disciples were…