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Category: 1 Thessalonians 5

  • God is Faithful in His Promises

    God is faithful in His promises and He will do all that He has promised. The love and faithfulness of God is beyond human understanding.

  • A Guide for Living in Christ Jesus

    If you are looking for a guide for living in Christ Jesus, then the words in these few verses make a great start. Read on to find out more.

  • Love one another in these troubled times

    It is critical that Christians everywhere love one another in these troubled times. The time is short and we must prepare for His coming.

  • Respect Your Leaders

    You need to respect your leaders in the church because they are doing God’s will and they are going to be held accountable for what they do.

  • Encourage One Another in Christ

    Encourage one another in Christ. Never has the call for encouragement and the need for it been so great as it is today.

  • Salvation in Jesus Christ

    There is no other way to be saved than through the name of Christ Jesus. Salvation in Jesus Christ is the only way that we can be received into the eternal kingdom with God the Father and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

  • The Darkness of Complacency

    There is a grey area that causes those who are of the light, the people of God, to fall back into darkness. In a word, it is the darkness of complacency.

  • Get ready for the Coming of the Lord

    The time is short. The last days of this age are nearly over. The signs preceding the return of Christ are already happening. It is time for all the people of God to get ready for the coming of the Lord. His return is imminent, so watch and be prepared.