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Hi there.

My name is John Lemmon and I am the author of this site. In these pages I provide insight into the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a teachings, articles, e-courses and e-books. It is my hope you will subscribe to receive regular updates via newsletter or the blog RSS feed so you can learn, and through your feedback I too can learn.

There is no charge for anything on this site, except for a few eBooks I have that are linked to my Amazon account. You can download everything else though without cost. All I would ask is that if you use any of this material you respect the copyright and quote the source as being this website.

Important Documents

There are a few important documents that you can find links to here.

What this site is about

In a nutshell

FreeGiftFromGod.com speaks to God’s people throughout their walk with Christ, giving Bible based teachings without the filters of tradition to provide a pathway to maturity in Christ.

I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and it is through the power of his resurrection by the grace of God that man is set free from sin to live a life in accordance with his will.


To build a resource for Christians and those seeking Christ at whatever stage they are at so they can start or continue their walk with Jesus Christ.


To speak to God’s people


  • To show the pathway to righteousness through the teachings of the New Testament.
  • To teach the word of the Gospel free from the bias of any denomination, sect or church grouping
  • To feed God’s people the spiritual food that will help them grow.
  • To remove error from what is commonly called Christianity so people are freed to accept the truth of the Gospel.
  • To give glory to God and Jesus Christ, recognising it is their work, not mine.
  • Toi learn myself as the Lord leads me and others who may comment on this work

About Me

I am a husband, father, grandfather, accountant (retired), 4WD enthusiast, camper/caravanner, musician, singer, blogger and a bunch of other stuff as well. I enjoy life and love learning and seeing new things.

I have been studying, learning and teaching the truth of the Gospel as I understand it for around forty five years. Having learned this truth of the Gospel I bear testimony to the fact that Jesus can and does change lives. I have seen this change in myself and others and it is my work and hearts desire to do the work of God by speaking to God’s people as he has instructed me to do.

Over a period of many years I have been praying to the Lord asking his guidance in my life. He has been telling me to, “Speak to my people.” This website is one of the means towards that end.

Why listen to what I have to say?

There are countless Christian websites that exist in cyberspace with all manner of different aims. Many seek to glorify God but many also are not being true to the word by seeking financial advantage, personal gain or to market certain products.

I have nothing to market here as everything is free nor do I desire to build a following or seek anyone’s money. If the time comes when I can no longer support this site from my own pocket, then I may seek voluntary donations for additional support and will let all readers and subscribers know. My true purpose is not about gain but to serve the Lord and his people and to speak to His people as he has told me to do.

Don’t get me wrong though. It is scriptural that a person be able to earn a living from preaching the word of God. I have chosen to offer everything here for free since I also received it without charge. I have no desire to be a pedlar of God’s word, as the Apostle Paul described some people, so I offer everything here without cost.

Please feel free to contact me

I hope you find something useful and valuable in these pages that will help in your own study, praise, worship or inspiration. If you do, then tell someone else and spread the word so they too can benefit from these and your new insights. If you would like to comment on anything you find in these pages, or if you have any questions then please feel free to contact me.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my site and I hope you too will partake of the Free Gift from God in Christ Jesus.


10 responses to “About”

  1. Kandela Avatar

    Thank you Mr John for all the assurances of your credibility to your purpose for having this website. Yes with all the media it does cause doubt and hesitation to the genuinity of His Word by any site or preacher.
    Yes , I do have questions too.
    1. Why is Christianity the true religion among all the so called many in the world ? What discounts all others ?
    Every person wants to believe the one who is true and genuine !
    a. Hindus – because of the many idols?
    b. Buddhism- Buddha didn’t claim to be God
    c. Muslims – eternity is all about virgins ?

    Then the argument is, neither did Jesus say He was God !?! Although insinuated in the New Testament. Jesus goes to say – only God is good. These are questions that challenges creating a need for the Holy Spirit to make Jesus known to us that we may make Him known to others.

  2. Tesfaye Avatar

    Brother John, I thank Father God for the Grace He provided you and provides you to spread His true Word.It is true that God has his reminence.
    I was searching for a helpful Word based explanation if we at all have to worship the cross?
    From the country I came from and grown up, the sign Cross is is a sign to worship it.
    I also questioning this to myself that the Cross Our saviour died on it is not to please God ?
    Because the punishment must be completed in order to get the forgiveness of our sins.
    Most the time ,in different congregation will be preached only the cross not The Resurrection of Our Saviour Christ Jesus.
    So, by searching the internet I found your teachings based on the Word.
    I am very thankful to God.
    Lord bless you abundantly.

  3. Mayank Noel Avatar
    Mayank Noel

    Dear brother John,

    Praise Jesus!

    I came across a Devotional Bible Plan which was prepared by you on YouVersion Bible app, that’s how I got to your website. Thank You Lord Jesus for my dear brother’s ministry, praising and thanking You alone for his life and ministry.

    You have kept the teaching so simple, and backed it up with the Word of God which is the sole authority of our lives. I am a publisher of Christian books and resources in India. I would like to translate and publish your books in the Marathi language. If the Lord leads you to connect with me, kindly do so by email on noelmayank5@gmail.com

    Love in Christ
    Mayank Noel

  4. Anita Avatar

    Today s 30th November and I am seeing this website for the first time. Thanks so much for your insightful ministry.

  5. John Hardyway Avatar
    John Hardyway

    I thank God for your ministry! Been following your teachings on spiritual warfare and it’s been a rewarding, resetting and refocusing experience! Been looking for a way to send a offering to support the ministry. God bless

    1. John Avatar

      Thanks John.
      I appreciate the offer, but I do all of this work for free and I don’t ask for money to support the ministry or otherwise. I received the insights I write about here for free from the Lord and so I offer it to anyone who wants to listen without cost too. If you want to support the site and this work, please add me to your prayers. That’s all I ask.
      All the best and God bless…John

  6. Ramon Medrano Avatar
    Ramon Medrano

    Thank you for this plan it has been a blessing in my life to read and understand clear what God want from us. It is inspirational meassage

  7. Patrick Bishop Avatar
    Patrick Bishop

    i have been looking for a series of biblical painting large in measurement. my kindergarden teacher placed them on an eisel as she taught us. i believe i have finaly located one-this one of Christ betrayed. I do not know the artist nor how to locate the series of paintings, but if you could point me in the right direction I would use them for God’s glory. Thank you very much-Blessed Resurection.

    1. Dayna May Avatar
      Dayna May

      I’m trying to enroll in spiritual warfare but keeps saying I’m awnsering the question wrong. Not possible. Mayday10267@gmail.com

      1. John Avatar

        Hi Dayna. I noticed that you are now subscribed to the Spiritual Warfare course, so I presume you managed to sort the issue out. If not, drop me an email and I’ll manually add you to the system. All the best & God bless…John

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