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The Promise to Jesus Followers

(Matthew 19:27-30)

The previous sections discussed the things that may need to be given up in following Christ. But what about what we gain? Peter made the point that the disciples had given up everything to follow Jesus and so he asked what was in it for them.

Jesus said that nobody who gave up anything for the sake of the Lord would miss out. In fact they would receive even more abundantly both in this age and the age to come. He was not promising great wealth as some prosperity teachers preach, but he was promising an abundance in relationships with him and his people.

Every person who has had to forgo friends, family and property for the sake of God would receive these back in greater abundance than they had to give up. Whether in this life or in the eternity we will spend with him, our blessing will far outstrip our losses.

In this age there is nothing greater and more important than securing our life with Christ. The single most important thing we can do is to follow Jesus Christ. He has shown us here and in previous sections of this chapter that nothing must get in the way of following that goal.

Today unfortunately we live in an age and society seeking instant gratification. But in Christ we must learn patience. His timing is not like ours. Consider Abraham who was told by the Lord he would be the father of many nations. And all the while his wife Sarah was barren and past the age of bearing children. But Abraham knew nothing was impossible to God and he grew strong in his faith that the Lord could and would do what he had said. But it took another ten years before his son Isaac was born.

God’s timing is perfect and not like ours. He will keep his promises to us as he did the promise to Abraham. We too like Abraham must be patient and grow strong in our faith in God, knowing that he can and will deliver on his word. The promise is there for all of us if we will only hold to our faith in Jesus Christ, firm to the end.




