Tag: Prayer

  • Have Faith in God

    (Mark 11:20-26) The lesson of the fig tree was covered a few posts ago. We see an additional lesson here when the disciples note that the fig tree is withered and they point it out to Jesus. The disciple were amazed that the fig tree had withered after Jesus spoke to it. But Jesus’ response…

  • Making a Request of God

    (Mark 10:35-45) James and John were two brothers and disciples of the Lord. They came to him asking if Jesus would grant them to sit at his right and his left hand in his kingdom. (Verse 37) There was a lesson for them and the rest of the disciples to learn and Jesus used this…

  • Casting Out a Deaf and Dumb Spirit

    (Mark 9:14-29) A boy had been brought to the disciples of Jesus for healing. This boy was possessed by an evil spirit that had taken control of the boy and was hurting him badly. The spirit caused him to be cast into fire and water, seized him and cast him to the ground foaming at…

  • Jesus Prays in the Garden at Gethsemane

    (Matthew 26:36-46) After the Last Supper we see Jesus take the disciples and go to the garden at Gethsemane. What we see when Jesus prays in the garden at Gethsemane is that these are the last few hours before his betrayal. He spends this time knowing that his betrayer approaches and that he will be delivered into…

  • Ask in Faith and it Will Be Done

    (Matthew 21:18-22) This is an unusual teaching for on the surface it might look like the Lord was being vindictive or cursing. But this is not the case, as we will see. There are several messages here, the main one being to ask in faith and it will be done. First we see the Lord…

  • The Power of a Prayer of Faith

    (Matthew 17:14-21) In this section a man came to Jesus seeking for his son to be healed. The boy was demon possessed and suffered often from the influence of the demon. The man had already made this request of the disciples, but they were unable to cast the demon out. Jesus says the demon could…