Tag: Good Samaritan

  • Behave like a Christian

    We have been called by Christ to be transformed into His image. A big part of that is to learn how to behave like a Christian at all times.

  • Jesus turned the Water into Wine

    (John 2:1-12) This section of scripture is interesting for a number of reasons. It is a well known piece of scripture as many have discussed it, written about it and there are even songs about it. This is described as the first of the miracles that Jesus performed by the Apostle John, and it is…

  • The Good Samaritan

    (Luke 10:29-37) Yesterday we saw that the Lord showed there is eternal life in keeping the law. A lawyer came to Jesus asking how to inherit eternal life and Jesus told him if he kept the two great laws, to love God and to love your neighbour, you would inherit life. But there is a…