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Tag: Walking with Jesus

  • No Prison Could Hold Them

    (Acts 16:25-40) Paul and Silas were thrown into prison and beaten wrongfully for their testimony and casting out the demon that had bound the life of a slave girl. This was a vindictive, spiteful and hateful act against these two men who had done good. And why was it done? Because the owners of the…

  • Tribulations

    (Acts 14:19-28) There is a verse in this section of scripture that tells us what to expect in our walk with Christ. It is in stark contrast to much of what people believe about the life of a Christian and it gives us pause when we realise both the importance and significance of the path…

  • You Can’t Go Back – Part 2

    (John 21:15-19) In my last post we looked at how Peter turned back to his former life as a fisherman after Jesus had been put to death and resurrected. Wether he thought the whole business of Christianity had ended because The Lord was no longer with them or what he thought is not really known.…

  • Jesus Is The Light

    (John 12:33-36) Light and darkness. Day and night. The two cannot exist together for they are incompatible. What is more interesting though is that whenever these two come together, it is the light that dominates and dissipates the darkness. The darkness and the night cease to exist at the coming of the light. The darkness…

  • Walk in the Light

    (John 8:12) Light! The concept of light is used in many places throughout the Bible. Its application is used in several different ways to explain different teachings. When you think about the properties of light it gives you an insight into what the Lord is teaching us. Light enables us to see, whereas in darkness…

  • Sons of Light, Sons of Darkness

    (John 3:19-21) Light and darkness. Could there be any greater or more compelling a contrast between two things? Opposites and in opposition, and neither can exist in the presence of the other. This is exactly the position we see between those who come to the Lord and those who choose not to, as described in…

  • Seek to Enter by the Narrow Door

    (Luke 13:22-30) Your salvation depends on knowing, and more importantly being known by Jesus. The pathway to being known by Jesus is not an easy one to find let alone walk as we see in this section of scripture. These are not my words but the words of the Lord when someone asked him, “Lord,…