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Tag: Walking with Jesus

  • Aim for godliness in your life

    Aim for godliness in your life as it promises vastly much more than aiming for the temporary and transient things of this world.

  • Our Hope is in Jesus

    Our hope is in Jesus that through the toiling and striving we shall receive the promises of God.

  • The Value of Godliness

    The value of godliness vastly outweighs anything of value in this world. We must understand the gospel is for man’s spirit, not the flesh.

  • When God says Your Time is Up

    Recently, I have been studying different scriptures and have noticed that there comes a time when God says your time is up. He reaches a point where His patience ends and He says “Enough!”

  • Walking with Jesus is not easy

    Walking with Jesus is not easy, but the value we receive is worth it. There will be trials and afflictions, but there is also the hope of salvation.

  • Be established in Christ

    It is essential as Christians that we be established in Christ so that we can stand mature and overcome all of the tests, trials and temptations that come our way.

  • The full substance of truth in Jesus Christ

    The full substance of truth is not found in the law but in Jesus Christ. The law is just a shadow of what is offered in Jesus Christ. SO we must seek righteousness not by works of law, but by faith in Christ.

  • Episode 47 – Progressing in your walk with Christ

    Walking in Christ indicates movement. It suggests a steady, ongoing progression with Christ as we move from a life of sin in this world to maturity in Jesus Christ. There are stages in this walk with Christ and we see in the words of Peter what some of these stages are. This podcast looks at…

  • Episode 23 – An Overview of the Salvation Road

    As Christians we are called to walk with Christ. To walk suggests a path and a direction. But many Christians are unaware of what the path looks like. Salvation Road takes a structured approach to defining a pathway from life as a sinner in this world to entering the kingdom of God, re-born into the…

  • A Life Worthy of Christ

    (Ephesians 4:1-3 – A life worthy of Christ) As Christians we are called to change our lives in many ways. Right from the very beginning of our walk with Christ when we first repent, the change commences. Indeed the word “repent” translated from the Greek word “metanoia” means to “change your thinking.” And that is…

  • You Can’t Turn Back

    (Galatians 4:8-11) When we are called to come to Jesus Christ, there is only one way that we can go. Forward! You can’t go back, nor should you want to go back. If we seek to go back or even if we mistakenly think about our past and wish we could be “back in the…

  • You’ll Never Walk Alone

    (2 Corinthians 12:16-21) In my last few posts I have spoken a lot about the state of the modern church in many of it’s parts. How it seems to take advantage of the people who come into the church and how many of the teachers, preachers, pastors and ministers seem to be in it for…