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Tag: Walking in the Spirit

  • Anger is Not Sin

    (Ephesians 4:26-27) One of the great questions to be understood by Christians is what is and is not sin? There are a multitude of things that people call sin, but are they really sin? Today I want to look at this issue to try and nail down some aspects of what is and isn’t sin,…

  • Renewal in the Spirit

    (Ephesians 4:22-24) At the most basic level, Christianity is about change. We are called to change from the old manner of life driven by sin and the passions and lusts of human nature, to be changed into the image of Jesus Christ. We are being called to a renewal in the Spirit so that our…

  • Episode 20 – What is walking in the Spirit and how to do it

    The means by which we overcome the passions of our flesh and are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ is through walking in the Spirit. Find out what this is and how to do it in this episode. Listen to the podcast here and find out more. JohnHi! I’m John, the owner, author, and…

  • A Life Worthy of Christ

    (Ephesians 4:1-3 – A life worthy of Christ) As Christians we are called to change our lives in many ways. Right from the very beginning of our walk with Christ when we first repent, the change commences. Indeed the word “repent” translated from the Greek word “metanoia” means to “change your thinking.” And that is…

  • The Working of the Holy Spirit

    (Ephesians 3:14-21) As I read these few verses at the end of Ephesians chapter 3, I am struck by the fact that most of the matters Paul is writing about here are to do with the working of the holy spirit within the children of God in Christ Jesus. He talks about strengthening in the…

  • Overcoming the Passions of the Flesh

    (Ephesians 2:3) What are the passions of the flesh and what is the impact of the passions of the flesh on people? This verse gives us some insight into just what the passions of the flesh are and how humans are driven by them. More importantly though, this verse shows that as Christians, the passions…

  • How the Power of the Spirit can help you

    (Galatians 5:19-26) These few verses give us the two opposing views of life in the Spirit versus life in the flesh. It shows us a dramatic contrast and what we must do to receive the good gifts given by the Holy Spirit that will overcome the passions of the flesh. The passions and desires of…

  • Walk By The Spirit

    (Galatians 5:16-18) One of the most important things we must learn as Christians is how to walk by the Spirit. If we are to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, as we must if we wish to live in the kingdom of God, then walking in or by the Spirit is essential. These…

  • Who hinders you from obeying the truth?

    (Galatians 5:7-8) These two verses pose an important question, probably more important today than it was when the Apostle Paul wrote it. The doctrine of the early church was being polluted by false teaching. The church had been infiltrated by teachers and preachers who were leading the people astray by teaching things that had no…

  • What is the Hope of Righteousness, and How do I receive it?

    (Galatians 5:5-6) How do you receive the hope of righteousness? Isn’t righteousness all about doing good, so can you receive the hope of righteousness just by being and doing good? The answer to this is both yes and no. We do need to do and be good, but it is not because of the hope…

  • Why are you a Christian?

    (Galatians 5:1-4) Why are you a Christian? Why did you come to Christ in the first place? Was it because you were caught up in some form of bondage and needed a way of escape? Were you into drugs, booze, gambling, or some other weakness and it was having a negative effect on your life?…

  • How to hinder the work of the Holy Spirit, and what to do about it

    (Galatians 4:18-20) In my last few posts and in the book of Galatians we see Paul’s frustration with the Galatians church as they slipped away from Christ, seeking to develop a self-righteousness of their own based on the law. They had been deceived into believing that they had to follow the law to be saved…