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Tag: Spiritual War

  • Take the Whole Armour of God

    One of the things we learn as we grow in Jesus Christ is that we are at war. Every minute of the day and in every circumstance we may find ourselves in places where we are being attacked spiritually and sometimes verbally or even physically. If we are to wage this spiritual war effectively, then…

  • Who is your enemy?

    Who is your enemy? Is it the person vying for your position or promotion at work? Is it the guy who is “road raging” you on the way home? Is it the opposition political party or even the opposition football or other sporting team? In truth none of these are your enemy. And even when…

  • Suffering For Christ

    (2 Corinthians 11:21-33 – Suffering for Christ) If ever there was anyone who suffered for the sake of the Lord, it was Paul. In this section he recounts any number of personal, physical and spiritual attacks on his person, many of which could have easily killed him. But they didn’t. The Lord protected him through…

  • Weapons Of War

    (2 Corinthians 10:4-6) In my last post I discussed the fact that we are at war, but it is not a physical war against flesh and blood. Instead we are at war in the spirit for our enemies are spiritual, the primary enemy being the devil himself. Needless to say, this is a different war,…

  • The Spirit As Guarantee

    (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In my last post I wrote about why Christians get sick. The key to understanding that is knowing that this Christian walk is not about the flesh but about the spirit. The work that is going on in us is a spiritual work. The flesh is of no avail. In this section…

  • Tongues Build Up

    (1 Corinthians 14:2-5) This chapter of Paul's letter to the Corinthians covers a great deal about speaking in tongues. In it we learn much about what speaking in tongues is, and what it is for. There are many myths in the modern church about the gift of tongues and if people would read and understand…

  • One Spirit With Christ

    (1 Corinthians 6:13-18) This section of scripture goes into great detail about warning us not to go down the path of sexual immorality. It is perhaps more relevant today than when it was written with the moral decline in this world where one night stands and all kinds of sexual perversions are the norm. But…

  • Thank You Jesus

    (Romans 7:21-25) The challenge that faces all of humanity is their inability to exercise self control in all things. Oh sure, people can exercise self control over many things, but everyone has a weakness or two that will take hold of them when they least expect it and do not want it to happen and…

  • Victory in Jesus Christ

    (John 16:29-33) The Lord gives us great hope and a promise that all Christians should take comfort from in these few scriptures. There is also a warning, but with that warning a reminder that in Him we are safe. Is there anyone in Christ today who can say that since coming to Jesus all of…

  • The Peace of Christ

    (John 14:25-27) Peace! In this world just the very word is like water to a thirsty man. But there is a peace that is greater than anything in this world. The peace of God which passes all understanding, as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:7. And the peace of Christ is not like the peace we…

  • Resist Temptation

    (Luke 17:1-2) For those who are coming to Jesus one of the great challenges is the need to resist temptation. In this section of scripture Jesus makes it abundantly clear that temptation to sin will surely come just as night always follows day. So it is important that we understand how to resist temptation and…

  • Peace on Earth?

    (Luke 12:51-53) At this time of the year we hear people saying, “Peace on earth” for this is part of the Christmas message. When Jesus was born, which by the way could not have been on 25th December…but that’s a discussion for another day, the angels appeared to shepherds saying, “Glory to God in the…