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Tag: speaking in tongues

  • Tongues Do Not Teach

    (1 Corinthians 14:6-12) As I mentioned in my last post, there is a commonly held myth in the modern church that tongues were given only to the early church so that they could spread the gospel. Likewise it is held by these same people today that there is now no need for tongues. Both of…

  • Tongues Build Up

    (1 Corinthians 14:2-5) This chapter of Paul's letter to the Corinthians covers a great deal about speaking in tongues. In it we learn much about what speaking in tongues is, and what it is for. There are many myths in the modern church about the gift of tongues and if people would read and understand…

  • Manifestation of the Spirit

    (1 Corinthians 12:7) This single verse presents Christians with a few interesting questions. It says, To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. – (1 Corinthians 12:7) First, what is the “manifestation” of the Spirit? Second, who is it given to and how do you get it? And finally why…

  • The Holy Spirit At Work

    (Romans 8:26-27) We are very fortunate that the Lord has seen fit to give us the Bible. It was never His purpose to leave us totally in the dark, and indeed He wants to show us all that we need to be able to live lives of holiness as we walk with Jesus and await…

  • Mistaken for Gods

    (Acts 14:8-18) This section of scripture has two very interesting insights. Paul and Barnabas had come to lustration and one of the first things they did as they were preaching the word was to heal a man who was a crippled from birth. It was this action that caused the people of Lystra to mistake…

  • Receive the Holy Spirit

    (Acts 8:14-25 – Receive the Holy Spirit) One of the most frequent questions I receive by email has to do with receiving the Holy Spirit. The questions usually go along the lines of how do you know if you have the Holy Spirit? Or, how do you receive this gift of God? There is a…

  • Promise of Salvation

    (Acts 2:36-41) As Peter concluded his oration on Pentecost Day we see the unfolding of the first massive calling to the people and the revelation of salvation. In these few words we find an example of the Great Commission that Jesus told the disciples they were to carry out. This day brought the beginnings of…

  • Speaking in Tongues

    (Acts 2:5-13) In this section of scripture where the disciples received the Holy Spirit we see the first outpouring of the gift of speaking in tongues. Here we note the people in Jerusalem rush together at the sound of the disciples who were all speaking in tongues together. Now there were many visitors in Jerusalem…

  • Pentecost and Receiving the Holy Spirit

    (Acts 2:1-4) Jesus appeared to the disciples for forty days after he had arisen. This was to show them the truth of the resurrection so that they would believe and know that all He had said concerning the ministry was true. And Jesus was preparing them for what was to come for the disciples were…

  • Bearing Witness to Jesus

    (John 15:26-27) Bearing witness is a fundamental process of life today. We see or hear something and then we tell others who may believe what we say or not. those who are sceptical may have the person telling the story say things like, “I saw it with my own eyes,” or “I heard it with…

  • Have You Drunk The Living Water?

    (John 7:37-39) Water. The elixir of life. You can’t live but a few days without it. It is such an important part of life that Jesus refers to it in so many of his teachings. Now because water is so important to life it is no wonder that in this section He uses water as…