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Tag: Sheep among wolves

  • Separating Sheep From Goats

    (1 Corinthians 11:17-19) One of the greatest issues in the church over the many years of its history has been the problems of division. Consider the church as it exists today in its many forms. Who knows exactly how many denominations, groups, sects and independent churches there are in the world today. And yet when…

  • The Whole Counsel of God

    (Acts 20:13-38) In these verses we see Paul hurrying to get to Jerusalem to try and be there by Pentecost Day. As he journeyed he came to a place near Ephesus named Miletus. While there he called for the elders of the Ephesian church to join him so he could speak with them. The things…

  • Contrasting Gospels

    (Acts 8:9-13) This little piece of scripture shows us a great contrast between those who are preaching the truth from those who are not. It is worth looking at and thinking about for a few minutes because it will help us to see the wolves in sheeps clothing and to recognise the works of those…

  • I Am The Good Shepherd

    (John 10:11-15) There is a significant difference between Jesus and all others who came both before and after him. And not just because he was and is the Son of God. The big difference was in what he was prepared to do for those who love Him and the Father and His compassion and caring…

  • Jesus Speaks of His Betrayal

    (Mark 14:12-21) In this section we see Jesus eating his final Passover with the disciples. The disciples ask where they should prepare the Passover for him and we see him operate the word of knowledge advising them where to go. He tells them they will find a man carrying a jar of water and to…

  • Sheep in the midst of Wolves

    (Matthew 10:16-23) Jesus told his disciples when he sent them out to preach and teach that they were going into a dangerous situation. The imagery of sheep in the midst of wolves conveys a picture of warning and danger. He made no promises here that when you teach the word of God all would be…