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Tag: Sexual Desire

  • Looking at Unchastity and Immorality

    Looking at unchastity and immorality is important for God hates these things. It is essential that as a Christian if you are practicing such things, you do all you can to repent and change your ways.

  • Celibacy and Marriage Equality

    (1 Corinthians 7:1-5) This whole chapter is devoted to matters of marriage and principles that should guide certain aspects of married life. This first part focuses upon temptations to immorality and overcoming them in marriage, but I do not want to specifically look at those issues. What I noted as I read these first few…

  • One Spirit With Christ

    (1 Corinthians 6:13-18) This section of scripture goes into great detail about warning us not to go down the path of sexual immorality. It is perhaps more relevant today than when it was written with the moral decline in this world where one night stands and all kinds of sexual perversions are the norm. But…

  • Eunuchs for the Sake of the Kingdom of Heaven

    (Matthew 19:10-12) In the previous section Jesus spoke of matters of marriage. I commented that I did not fully understand that section, as it seemed quite harsh. It is clear also that Jesus’ disciples struggled with this teaching to for in this section they said, “If such is the case of a man with his…