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Tag: Serving God’s People

  • Serving Jesus

    (John 12:25-26) How do we go about serving Jesus? What are the steps, behaviours and actions that represent serving Jesus? I am sure that you can think of many of the things you can and should do to be serving Jesus, but Jesus himself gave us an interesting insight into this matter in these scriptures.…

  • Show Yourself to the World

    (John 7:1-9) Have you ever done a search on the internet for a one-hit wonder? You know, someone who was a star of screen or stage or had a hit single out that was all the rage and then they just disappeared? The search would be along the lines of, “Whatever happened to…” and you…

  • Jesus is the Servant Leader: A better way to lead

    We often hear references made to the concept of the servant leader. Jesus shows us just exactly what that concept really means, and more.

  • Two Copper Coins

    (Luke 21:1-4) In many places we notice that Jesus saw things differently to those around him. He often took a different path than those around him because he saw things differently. Here in this section of scripture that speaks of people giving money into the treasury at the temple we see a perfect example of…

  • In The Lords Service

    (Luke 19:11-27) Who is the good servant that will be rewarded on the return of the Lord? It is the one who serves the Lord according to his wishes. This section of scripture teaches much about serving the Lord and what it means to serve the Lord. It also shows us the outcomes for those…

  • Serving the Lord

    (Luke 17:7-10) If you are serving the Lord do you have great expectations as to your reward for the work you do? Because you are serving the Lord, do you believe that you have a greater entitlement than others in the blessings of the Lord? If so you may be in for a shock for…

  • Do You Give Expecting to Get?

    Do you give expecting to get rather than learning to give expecting nothing in return?

  • To Serve the Lord, Serve His People

    (Matthew 25:31-46) If you want to serve the Lord, serve his people. This is the message of this section of scripture. It is an important lesson and one we must remember. It is clear from this section of scripture that judgement will be based in part upon how we have treated our brethren. The Lord…

  • The Greatest Among You Shall be the Least

    (Matthew 23:5-12) The hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the scribes extended to their desire to be considered as persons of importance. As Jesus showed in this section, they desired and looked for the adulation and praise of men rather than the praise of God. They took their roles to be positions of power so they…

  • Representatives and Rewards from God

    (Matthew 10:40-42) We must be careful how we treat people and especially the people of God. Jesus shows in this section that we should consider whenever we are dealing with the people of God that we are dealing with the Father himself. He says in verse 40, “”He who receives you receives me, and he…