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Tag: sabbath

  • Keeping The Sabbath

    (John 5:18 – Keeping the Sabbath) This scripture is a difficult one to deal with and I have spent more time thinking about this one than many others that I have written about. It is only one verse, but it can be puzzling and I have prayed about it to try and understand what the…

  • Jesus Is Lord Of The Sabbath

    (Luke 6:1-5) One of the great challenges for the church today is understanding how and where the law fits within the context of the New Covenant. Here in this section is a classic example in relation to the keeping of the Sabbath day. One of the Ten Commandments was that the seventh day of the…

  • Jesus Takes the Disciples to Rest

    (Mark 6:30-32) Jesus had recently sent the disciples out to commence preaching the word of God, healing the sick and casting out demons among the people in the surrounding villages. On their return they were telling him of all the things they had done and taught. But they were rushed and harried as the people…

  • Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath

    (Matthew 12:1-8) At the end of chapter 11 we saw Jesus state that his “yoke was easy and his burden light.” (Matthew 11:30) Now we see him begin to teach things that have reduced that burden of the Old Covenant. Under the Old Covenant men were required to keep the Sabbath day holy. This was…