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Tag: Priorities

  • Are you content with your life?

    Are you content with your life? The world is always striving for bigger and better, sowing seeds of discontent. But in Christ you will find contentment with godliness.

  • Live As You Were Called

    (1 Corinthians 7:17-24) What changes when you are called to the Lord? Or what is it that SHOULD change when the Lord calls a person to Himself to become a Christian? There are many different thoughts and ideas on this matter and some people presume or even expect that there will be a huge change…

  • The Most Important Thing

    (Acts 13:36-43) There are a lot of really good scriptures in the Bible…well ALL of them are actually! But, every now and then you come across something so profound, yet so simple, that it will just blow your mind. These few scriptures are one of those sections. These few words include a statement that is…

  • Food for Thought, Food for Life

    (John 6:16-27) In this section of scripture we see food for thought and food for life. The bible is full of food for thought and there are many stories, parables, analogies and teachings where food is used as a metaphor for spiritual learning. Here Jesus speaks in more direct terms about food, and in particular…

  • Go and Sin No More

    (John 5:9-17 – Go and Sin No More) As we study the scriptures there are often the obvious lessons that can be seen, but now and again we see some less obvious teachings. There is one such lesson in this section of scriptures. There were a number of times in the scriptures where Jesus healed…

  • The Good Life?

    (Luke 21:34-38) Sometimes when I read the scriptures there will be one word that just seems to jump out at me. Usually it offers a deeper layer of insight or illumination that I had not previously had. I had that experience a couple of days ago while reading this section of the Bible. I read…

  • A Camel through the Eye of a Needle

    (Luke 18:24-30) The expression that something is like a camel through the eye of a needle is meant to show the impossibility of the thing under discussion. The likelihood that you could ever get a camel through the eye of a needle is so implausible as to be laughable. It is the height of impossibility…

  • Whoever Seeks to Gain His Life Will Lose It

    (Luke 17:33-37) The warning in this scripture is quite a difficult one for many people in this world. It flies in the face of human wisdom, which is not unusual because God’s wisdom is different to human wisdom. But this particular saying in Verse 33 is a bit of a puzzle and it has quite…

  • You Cannot Serve God and Mammon

    (Luke 16:10-13 – You Cannot Serve God and Mammon) There are several messages in this section of scripture and I will cover only one aspect at this time. Quite a few times I have written about the need to get your priorities right. When Jesus taught this message that you cannot serve God and mammon,…

  • What Will It Cost You to Follow Christ?

    How much will it cost you to follow Christ? Following Jesus will cost you everything in this world, but the benefits far outweigh the cost.

  • The Great Invitation

    (Luke 14:15-24) Picture this. You have a really big occasion coming up. Something really important to you and so you decide to throw a big celebration party. You invite all your friends to join you as you celebrate and then wait for the RSVP’s to come in so you can plan seating, catering and so…

  • Was Jesus the First to say “Don’t Worry, Be Happy?”

    (Luke 12:22-31) How many times have you heard the expression, “Don’t worry, be happy?” There have been songs singing about it and it has appeared on Tee shirts, bumper stickers and so. It’s easy to say and just rolls off the tongue. But who was the first to say it? I don’t really know, but…