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Tag: Paul

  • Paul In Rome

    (Acts 28:11-31) As the book of Acts comes to a close we see Paul finally arrive in Rome. After a harrowing journey in danger from the Jewish leaders seeking his life to shipwreck, being bitten by a venomous snake to being lost at sea in storms that lasted many days, his journey comes to an…

  • They Will Not Listen

    (Acts 22:1-21) Have you ever been in a situation where you have been speaking to someone and they just did not believe what you were saying, even when it is the utter truth? Or worse, they chose not to even listen? Have you ever tried to speak to someone about something good (e.g. The gospel…

  • No Stopping the Word

    (Acts 13:4-12) The Lord will have the word of the gospel delivered to those who wish to hear it. All obstacles to the preaching of the word will be removed. Sometimes this is more dramatic than at other times as this short section of scripture testifies to. But regardless of how it is done, the…

  • Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen

    (Acts 13:1-3) A great many people have and will yet come to The Lord. Some will receive ministry work to do in the church. Others will simply live their life as examples of the faith in action, humbly and respectfully praising and worshipping their Lord and ours. But there are a few who for one…

  • Barnabas

    (Acts 11:19-26) Who was Barnabas? We know so little about some of the early disciples and leaders in the early church apart from what has been handed down and is as much myth as it may be truth. For example, most of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus himself are never heard of again in…