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Tag: Old Covenant

  • Why The Law?

    (Galatians 3:19) We know as Christians that God promised to Abraham that he and His offspring would inherit the world. This covenant, based on the righteousness by faith that Abraham had, was the covenant that we hope to attain today. In fact, that covenant to Abraham forms and underpins what we know as the New…

  • The Glorious Gospel

    (2 Corinthians 3:7-11) Sometimes it is easy to become complacent about the wondrous opportunity we have been given by God in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sometimes we take it all for granted, not realising how truly blessed we are to live in this age where we can receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. This…

  • Serving the Law or Serving in the Spirit

    (Romans 7:5-6) In my recent posts I have discussed the purposes and processes for freedom from law and freedom from sin that we receive by the grace of God in Jesus Christ. These two scriptures continue and expand this issue of law or freedom from law as they drive to the heart of the two…

  • Apollos

    (Acts18:24-28) Apollos was a powerful teacher and preacher of the gospel. We don't know a lot about him but it is clear that he was held in high regard as a teacher of the gospel by the people and also by the disciples, especially Paul. In this section of scripture Apollos first comes to the…

  • Turning the World Upside Down

    (Acts 17:1-9) As Paul and Silas came to Thessalonica they went into the synagogue and over a period of several weeks they presented the gospel of Jesus Christ. There were quite a number of those who heard, both Jews and Gentiles who listened to them and believed the truth of the gospel. But this annoyed…

  • Implications of Stephens Defence

    (Acts 7:1-53) Stephen was dragged before the rulers of the Jews, falsely accused of many things by men incited to stand against him and put on trial. But The Lord was with Stephen and his defence was quite remarkable in many ways. Not only did he condemn the religious leaders of his time for their…

  • Stephen! Murdered! Martyred!

    (Acts 6:8-15) Stephen was the first of the martyrs for Jesus Christ as far as we know. He was put to death for his beliefs and for preaching the gospel. Now you would have to REALLY upset someone for them to go to such extremes. What I mean is that Stephen was a God fearing…

  • Why Jesus Died

    (John 16:4-7) There are many advantages to being a Christian and knowing Jesus Christ. The full number of them may never be known by us as individuals. However in this section of scripture we see that Jesus points to the specific advantage that we received not through His coming, but by His going. By this…

  • Plotting Against Jesus

    (John 11:45-53) After Lazarus was raised from the dead, a great many of the Jews believed in Him. They recognised the power of God in Jesus for no one had ever seen a man resurrected before. This confounded the leaders, the chief priests and the Pharisees and threw them into despair. They were utterly at…

  • The Woman Caught In Adultery – Part 1

    (John 8:1-11) This is one of the classic stories and discussion of the New Testament. The story of the woman caught in adultery has been spoken about by so many people, analysed and written about it seems there could be nothing new to take from it. However there is much I believe still to be…

  • The End of an Age

    (Luke 16:16-18) In this section of scripture Jesus shows us the end of an age. He draws a very distinct line in the sand that separates two periods and also provides a spiritual insight into living in the two ages. These spiritual ages, not physical ones, and the transition from one to the next is…

  • How to Inherit Eternal Life

    (Luke 10:25-28) As Jesus was teaching there were always people opposing what he said. Always there was a Pharisee, scribe or some other person from the religious establishment trying to take him to task over some matter of the Kingdom of God and Jesus’ teachings. Here we see another example from a man who was…