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Tag: liars

  • Falling away from Christ

    (Hebrews 6:4-8 – Falling Away from Christ) The saddest situation we can ever see is when people are falling away from Christ. The scripture we are looking at today speaks deeply of this issue, and it is one of the worst forms of this issue In this scripture today we see people falling away from…

  • The Trouble with Controversies

    The trouble with conspiracies is that they lead to quarreling and dissension. They are of no value to Christians and should be avoided at all cost, as too should those who promote such contentions.

  • Liars in the Church

    The modern church is in turmoil. There are liars in the church subverting the truth of the gospel for many years. Learn how to seek the truth.

  • Conducting yourself as a Christian

    Conducting yourself as a Christian is one of those changes that need to take place. And to be honest it is not hard to do to make small changes that grow over time. Read on to find out more.

  • Hypocrisy Condemned

    (Romans 2:17-24) What is the worst thing that people hate in other people? Hypocrisy! And it is alo one of the things that God despises too, as Jesus showed again and again especially when He spoke to the Pharisees. Nobody likes a person who says one thing but does the opposite. The hypocrite is a…

  • Lies and Innuendo

    (Acts 21:27-36) If you are a Christian and doggedly holding firm to your faith, you are going to suffer. You are going to be knocked down, kicked about, pushed to the limits, exasperated, frustrated and more for the sake of the gospel. Most of the time this will be spiritual attack through people, but sometimes…

  • No Shortcuts

    (Acts 19:13-17) There are no shortcuts to enter the kingdom of God and there are no shortcuts to receiving His power and using it in ministry. The only way to come to God is thru Jesus Christ and the only way to be able to receive and use the power of God is through receiving…

  • Suffering for the Lord’s Sake

    (Acts 16:19-24) When you come to The Lord and especially if you do a work in his name, it is never a bed of roses. The one thing you can be sure of is that if you work for The Lord you are going to come up against opposition and that means you may suffer.…

  • Lying To God

    (Acts 5:1-11) Who in their right mind thinks they can hide anything from God? God sees all, knows all, understands and created all. So what can you hide from God? And if you cannot hide anything from God what is the point of lying to Him about anything? This section of Acts shows what can…