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Tag: Greed

  • Tithing in the Modern Church

    (Hebrews 7:1-10 – Tithing in the Modern Church) There is a major problem in the modern church with the practice of tithing. And the majority of the church has no idea that it is even a problem! Part of the problem has to do with the interpretation of this scripture where Abraham paid tithes to…

  • Are you content with your life?

    Are you content with your life? The world is always striving for bigger and better, sowing seeds of discontent. But in Christ you will find contentment with godliness.

  • Greed Leads To Loss

    (Acts 27:1-12) Greed is destructive. Greed destroys people and relationships as the passions of people rise to lead people to make bad and destructive decisions. In this section of scripture, which mainly talks about the initial journey of Paul to Rome, we see how the greed of the boat owners led to the destruction of…

  • Flattery

    (Acts 24:1-9) The apostle Paul had been imprisoned and had already stood before several tribunals to give an account of himself and after being moved to Caesarea was brought before the council once again. This time he was to be examined before the Roman governor of the region, Felix. Five days after Paul had been…