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Tag: Encouragement

  • Encourage One Another in Christ

    Encourage one another in Christ. Never has the call for encouragement and the need for it been so great as it is today.

  • Greet and Welcome your Brethren in the Lord

    There are some interesting insights that we can gain from Paul’s closing comments and greetings to various people in his letters. Read this article to find out more.

  • Encouragement – Part 4 (EP 80)

    In this fourth and final episode on Encouragement, we look at the source of ALL encouragement. All Encouragement comes from God and we can be encouraged knowing that He will never let His people down. Listen now to found out more about the encouragement that comes from God.

  • Encouragement – Part 3 (EP 79)

    In this third episode on Encouragement, I will look briefly at how you can be encouraged and how to help others likewise be encouraged. It is important we look for Encouragement in the right places so that we are lifted up, not by flattery or the like, but by all that is good and right…

  • Encouragement – Part 2 (EP78)

    This second podcast in this Encouragement series looks at the Power of Encouragement. And encouragement is a powerful thing. It has the power to lift people up, make them strong when they feel weak and carry them on to better things. So check this podcast out now to find out a little more about the…

  • Encouragement – Part 1 (EP 77)

    In the present time with the challenges facing the world, I felt led to do a short series on Encouragement. These will be short in terms of the running time (5-10 minutes) so won’t need a big investment of time to listen to. Now is not the time for Christians to fear, but rather to…

  • Encourage One Another

    (Romans 15:1-3) When Christ Jesus came to the earth He preached the gospel of the good news of the kingdom of God and established the means by which man could be reconciled to God and enter His kingdom.he selected disciples and taught them all they would need to know to make more disciples and to…