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Tag: Elders

  • A Defective Church

    A defective church is defined as one without an Eldership in these verses and when there is no Eldership in the church, many problems arise.

  • Relationships in the Family of God

    Relationships in the family of God are critical, and in many ways they are similar to blood related family relationships. This scripture gives guidance on dealing with those in the church.

  • Appointing Deacons in the Church

    Appointing deacons in the church is an important matter. This post looks at qualifications, roles, responsibilities and how the Bible says to appoint deacons.

  • Appointing Elders in the Church

    Appointing Elders in the Church is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. This post considers the requirements of Elders as defined in the scriptures.

  • Women in Ministry

    Women in ministry is one of the hot topics in the church. The scripture shows that women should NOT be excluded from any forms of ministry.

  • Respect Your Leaders

    You need to respect your leaders in the church because they are doing God’s will and they are going to be held accountable for what they do.

  • Greeting The Brethren

    (Romans 16:1-16) In this last chapter of Romans Paul instructs the church to greet various of the disciples in the churches on his behalf. It is clear that these greetings are not a simple formal acknowledgement of those people but rather are a warm, friendly and heartfelt joy the Paul feels for each of these…

  • The Whole Counsel of God

    (Acts 20:13-38) In these verses we see Paul hurrying to get to Jerusalem to try and be there by Pentecost Day. As he journeyed he came to a place near Ephesus named Miletus. While there he called for the elders of the Ephesian church to join him so he could speak with them. The things…

  • A Letter to the Church

    (Acts 15:22-35) The council of the apostles and elders, having considered the matters brought to them by Paul, Barnabas and the circumcision party of the believers, came to a decision as to the way forward. The next step of the process for them was to communicate this decision back to the Gentile churches. To do…

  • Apostles and Elders

    (Acts 15:6-21) The leaders in the early church were established to be either apostles and elders and there are some distinctions between the two groups. They are both important roles in the church and in this section of scripture we see how important and what one of their key roles was. It is unfortunate that…