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Tag: Do the Right Thing

  • Behave like a Christian

    We have been called by Christ to be transformed into His image. A big part of that is to learn how to behave like a Christian at all times.

  • You Cannot Hide Anything From God

    You cannot hide anything from God for He is everywhere and He sees and knows all things. So, do good and receive His blessing. But if you do evil, it will be found out.

  • What Good Have You Done Today?

    What Good Have You Done Today? This idea came to me out of the call from Paul to the Thessalonians, “Brethren, do not be weary in well-doing.” It is something to consider every day.

  • Conducting yourself as a Christian

    Conducting yourself as a Christian is one of those changes that need to take place. And to be honest it is not hard to do to make small changes that grow over time. Read on to find out more.

  • Seek Honour, Not Evil

    (Romans 12:17) The Lord God said in various places that vengeance belongs to Him. It is not for us to seek to avenge ourselves but rather to leave vengeance to the wrath of God. If you are a Christian and have been for any length of time, you will certainly have suffered at the hands…

  • Hypocrisy Condemned

    (Romans 2:17-24) What is the worst thing that people hate in other people? Hypocrisy! And it is alo one of the things that God despises too, as Jesus showed again and again especially when He spoke to the Pharisees. Nobody likes a person who says one thing but does the opposite. The hypocrite is a…

  • Four Reasons Why Cleaning Up Your Act is Not About Looking Good

    (Luke 11:37-41) Do clothes really make the man? Is cleanliness next to godliness? There are some people, even industries today that would have us believe so. But is there any truth in such thinking? Jesus certainly didn’t think so as seen in this scripture and here are four reasons why such thinking is wrong. JohnHi!…

  • Do The Right Thing

    (Luke 3:10-14) When the people came to John the Baptist they asked him what they should do to please the Lord. John didn’t get all “religious” and tell them they needed to go and light a candle, or throw money into the offering plate, spend more time studying the bible, or buy the latest piece…