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Tag: Call for Endurance

  • The Lord Will Rescue His People

    The Lord will rescue His people from all situations. Paul showed how he was rescued, & the Lord even uses death as the means to rescue some.

  • Enduring to the end and the promised outcomes (Ep 104)

    To endure means to never, ever give up. We need to see our walk with Christ through, enduring to the very end. And when we do endure to the end, there are many great promises God has made for those who do so. The troubles of this life are truly just a momentary affliction in…

  • Never waver as you endure as a Christian (Ep 103)

    Times are getting harder and there has never been a greater need for endurance than right now. As we walk with Christ we will suffer many difficulties and opposition in this world. But now is not the time to waver. We must learn and grow as Christians to stand firm in the Lord.

  • Where can we find strength to endure? (Ep 102)

    Let us look at the source of endurance for all Christians. We can see this by looking at the strength of endurance of Jesus Christ Himself, as well as the early disciples of the church as they put up with many struggles and opposition in the formation of the early church.

  • The need for patient endurance as Christians (Ep 101)

    These unprecedented times are testing the patience and the sanity of many. People are struggling with the pandemic and the lockdowns that are occurring as we collectively try to endure this time. And as Christians, endurance was never more necessary than it is today.

  • Enduring as a Christian – Part 2 (Ep 94)

    One of the key reasons we must learn to endure is for the sake of discipline. As we learn discipline we become stronger and more able to stand in the face of opposition. Listen to this podcast now to learn more about this link between endurance and discipline in Jesus Christ.

  • Enduring as a Christian – Part 1 (Ep 93)

    One of the things we know as Christians is that we will suffer for our faith. There will be trials, tribulations, and persecutions as we walk with Christ until through faith we have the victory. We must learn to endure. Check out this podcast to learn more about enduring as a Christian.

  • Thank God for our brothers and sisters in Christ

    The letter of Paul to the Colossians is a letter of learning and encouragement for the brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a letter from which we can also be encouraged today in the turmoil of this world.

  • Withdrawing From Evil

    (Acts 19:8-10) These couple of scriptures are only short and could be easily overlooked. However they teach us about withdrawing from evil which is a valuable lesson that we need to recognise and understand. Too often people these days are more concerned with standing and fighting against evil men. We see arguments across the web,…

  • The Lord Knows Everything

    (John 11:1-4) Does any person seriously believe that they can hide anything from God? I know many think they can but who are they really fooling? Only themselves. Our God has been described as omniscient and omnipotent, that is, all seeing, all knowing and all powerful. Anybody who thinks they can hide from such a…

  • Call for Endurance

    (Mark 13:9-13) In this section of scripture Jesus talks about the need for endurance at the time of the end. There are tough times ahead for those who come to Christ, but the reward is worth the effort. Consider the photo on this page. This runner was exhausted at the end of his race, and…