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Tag: Birth of Jesus

  • Baby Jesus Blessed in the Temple

    (Luke 2:22-40) Much of this section of scripture is historical and refers to Jesus when his parents brought him to the temple as a babe. It was required under the laws of Moses that all male children be presented to the Lord in the temple and offerings made. At that time though, Simeon, a devout…

  • Shepherds in the Fields by Night

    (Luke 2:9-21) In the previous post I noted that the Lord could not have been born on December 25th due to the fact that the shepherds were in the fields at night with their sheep. December is too cold in the region of Bethlehem for the shepherds to be in the fields at night and…

  • The Birth of Jesus

    (Luke 2:1-8) Here we see the birth of Jesus described and it provides further evidence of his lineage and descent from David the King. At the time of his birth the emperor of Rome, Caesar Augustus, sent out an order for all the peoples of the Roman Empire to be enrolled. That is he was…

  • The Coming of the Lord Announced

    (Luke 1:24-38) The angel Gabriel was sent to Mary six months after he had been to the parents of John the Baptist to announce to her that she had found favour with the Lord God and would be the mother of Jesus. The immaculate conception is one of the hallmarks of the Christian faith and…

  • Similarities between Jesus and Moses Births

      (Matthew Chapter 2) The whole book of Matthew focuses quite heavily on the fulfillment of prophecy. This is very clear in this second chapter. We see that in all aspects of his life Jesus fulfilled all of the prophecies pertaining to him beginning with his birth in Bethlehem. Verse 11 is interesting in that…