Tag: Be Prepared
When is the Second Coming of Christ?
(Luke 12:35-40) From time to time there are people who make predictions about the date when Jesus will return. It would be good if they were right because then everyone would be ready for him to come. We could all stand in the street and await his arrival in wonder. Well, I believe I know…
Parable of the Ten Virgins
(Matthew 25:1-13) In keeping with the parables in this section of Matthew, this one is about watching and being prepared for the Lord’s return. Here we see ten virgins who have been invited to the marriage feast. All of them brought lamps as it was night, but five of them were foolish for they brought…
No One Knows the Day and Hour
(Matthew 24:36-44) No one knows the day and hour of Jesus’ return except the Father. He has set the time of his return and when that will be has not been given for us to know. There have been many people over the years that have claimed to know the date of the second coming.…