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Tag: Baptism

  • Birth of John the Baptist

    (Luke 1:57-80) John the Baptist was born and in accordance with the law of Moses they brought him forth to be circumcised on the eighth day. At this time he was to be named and the people inquired as to what he should be called. Elizabeth said that he was to be named John, but…

  • The Baptism of Jesus

    (Mark 1:9-11) The baptism of Jesus was a significant event. It marked the beginning of his ministry as it was from that point on that he began to preach the good news of the gospel. But there are other significant matters pertaining to the baptism of Jesus that we need to understand as well. John…

  • Baptism and John The Baptist

    (Mark 1:1-10) The Gospel of Mark is shorter than the other three gospels. It seems to me that it is in many ways included as witness to many of the events in the other three gospels, although it does have some quite different insights of it’s own. While Matthew seemed to focus on the fulfilment…

  • The Great Commission Part 2

    (Matthew 28:16-20 – The Great Commission – Part 2) The second element of the Great Commission after telling the eleven to go and make disciples was, “…baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Verse 19) Some churches have either ignored this element of the Great…

  • The Baptism of Jesus and John the Baptist’s Ministry

    (Matthew Chapter 3)Here we see the beginning of John the Baptists ministry. John came to do two things. He came to prepare the way for the Lord and to bear witness to Jesus as being the Christ. Was it necessary for him to do this? Probably not, but under the law a matter was considered…