Christians are at war in the Spirit, but to fight this they need to be prepared and ready. This FREE spiritual warfare training program dives deep into how to wage this war and win. Join the SPIRITUAL WARFARE TRAINING PROGRAM here.

  • Providing for your Family

    Providing for your family is one of the great commandments of the Lord. It is even more important than working for the Lord.

  • Relationships in the Family of God

    Relationships in the family of God are critical, and in many ways they are similar to blood related family relationships. This scripture gives guidance on dealing with those in the church.

  • Practice what you preach

    Practice what you preach. This is a message that is clear from Jesus and His universal condemnation of hypocrisy is evident in His words against the scribes and Pharisees.

  • The Importance of Reading Scripture

    The importance of reading scripture cannot be understated, especially in these last days as there are so many false doctrines in the church. Only by reading scripture cane we learn the truth.

  • Setting an Example as a Christian

    It is not enough to call yourself a Christian without setting an example as a Christian. How you live your life in Christ is important.

  • Our Hope is in Jesus

    Our hope is in Jesus that through the toiling and striving we shall receive the promises of God.

  • The Value of Godliness

    The value of godliness vastly outweighs anything of value in this world. We must understand the gospel is for man’s spirit, not the flesh.

  • Godless and Silly Myths

    There are many godless and silly myths in the world and in the Church today. This scripture tells us to have nothing to do with them. They mislead & distract.

  • Hungry for the Truth

    The people of God are hungry for the truth. That truth is found in the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Preachers need to preach it.

  • Liars in the Church

    The modern church is in turmoil. There are liars in the church subverting the truth of the gospel for many years. Learn how to seek the truth.

  • The Household of God

    Learning to behave in the household of God and understand the mystery of Christianity is important. Read on to find out more.

  • Appointing Deacons in the Church

    Appointing deacons in the church is an important matter. This post looks at qualifications, roles, responsibilities and how the Bible says to appoint deacons.