The information on this page contains links to audio and video presentations. I hope these will be of interest or are something you might enjoy. I expect to have more information here in the coming few weeks and will announce any additions via my newsletter.
If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact me.
Walking on the Water
Like my previous song, this is a word of hope and encouragement. It is important that we remember that in times of crisis when the storms of life overwhelm us, we can call out to the Lord and He will save us. Just as Peter could walk on water when he held fast his faith in Jesus, we too can draw on that same power and strength to step up and stand in the face of the storms of life. This song helps us remember.
I’ll Save You From the Storm – (A song for Hope and Encouragement)
This is a song I wrote at the start of the COVID-19 crisis. It is based on Mark chapter 4, verses 35-40. This story reminds me that it doesn’t really matter what is going on around you, Jesus is in control. There is no need to fear the storms of lifeā¦or COVID-19, He has everything under control.
My favourite line from the song is this:
“Do you not know who is in the boat with you?”
We mustn’t forget who we are in the boat with. In the midst of the storms of this life, Jesus is always there. And even when we think He is sleeping, He is not. He is always with us, protecting, guiding, calming, and delivering us from the troubles of this life.
The Armour of God – Part 1 – Truth
As Christians we are at war with the forces of evil in spiritual places. As this is a spiritual war we need spiritual weapons and armour to wage the war. This armour is described in Ephesians 6 and this video looks at the first of those pieces of armour: Truth.
Pentecost Day
This video is something I threw together while messing about with some video software and trying to work out how to use YouTube. I wrote, performed and recorded the song a while ago and it is about the events of Pentecost Day as described in Acts chapter 2. The pictures are just some photos I took a couple years ago while travelling in outback Western Australia. The whole thing was experimental and I hope you like the music and photos.
New Songs
Recently I have written and recorded a couple of new songs that I have uploaded onto SoundCloud. The links are below.
The first song is Titled “I am the Light” (click the title to listen). It’s haunting Christian ballad and the idea for the song came from the words of Jesus where He said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light,” and also, “I am the light of the world.” Hope you enjoy it.
The second song is COMPLETELY different. It’s a bouncy tune with a Dixieland Jazz feel titled “I’m a Jesus Freak.” (Again, click the title to listen). Hope you enjoy it.