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Miracle Healing From A Deadly Blood Disease

When I was born it was discovered I had what at the time was an incurable blood disease. I spent the first two years of my life in and out of hospital being tested and treated.

At that stage no-one had ever been cured of this particular blood disease. All previous sufferers had not lived to the age of puberty and had died in their early teens. The doctor who treated me tried some new treatments, which amongst other things included high doses of cortisone. I was under treatment until about age twelve.

The doctors told my parents at that time that if I lived, I would be a sickly child who was weak and would not be able to do anything physical or be involved in any sporting activities. One of the side effects of cortisone they were told is that it weakens the bones and thus I would be unable to participate in any sports. I was on cortisone treatments for ten to twelve years. I am told that as a youngster I occasionally had blackouts, which of course I don’t remember.

The doctors further said that if I survived beyond puberty it was doubtful that I would ever be able to have children.

At the time my parents had relatively recently come to the Lord and much prayer had gone into this situation. The Lord saw fit to answer their prayers and I became the first person in history to be cured of this deadly blood disease. But not only was I cured, the cure was total and complete in every way.

I will turn fifty-five years of age later this year and can say that my childhood was quite normal. I played football in a local competition and did all the things kids like to do. I was also a good runner at both short and long distances. I have not taken cortisone or any medication associated with the disease since I was about twelve years old. Today also I am the proud father of three children and have four grand children.

The Lord also saw fit to clean the memory of this deadly blood disease from my mind. I don’t even recall any of the details of the treatments and have to rely on the accounts from my parents and others to verify the things that took place.

I can now only thank the Lord for his mercy towards my parents and myself for this miracle healing to bring me to where I am today. In all of this He has been with me and it is to Him I give thanks and praise for healing me of this blood disease and bringing me through.

Please also let me know if you find something here that has helped you, provided hope or given you reason to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Also if you have any questions then please feel free to contact me.

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