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(Philippians 2:3-4)

There is a principle that is spread throughout the Bible, both in the New Testament and the Old Testament. It is the principle of humility.


There are many places where humility is mentioned and discussed, and this scripture today is a good example.

This scripture explains some of the ways we can show humility and what the attitudes and behaviour of humility look like.

Why humility?

Why is it that God has chosen humility as one of the key attributes He wants to see in His people? Think about this scripture for a moment.

Likewise you that are younger be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5)

In this scripture, we see that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

The grace of God rests upon those who are humble. Why?

It is because the humble can be taught and can learn the ways of God. The humble have an attitude that cares and helps others. The humble are those who exhibit what is encapsulated in the Golden Rule, that is, “to do unto others as they would do unto you.”

Humility is a major part of walking in love, and we must learn to walk in love as Christians. God is love and Jesus reflects the stamp of God’s nature. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to transform the people of God into the image of Jesus Christ, and so we must learn to walk in love and a big part of that is to be humble.

Attitudes of Humility

So what does humility look like? Today’s verse gives us some great insights.

The first thing it tells us is not to do anything from selfishness or conceit. Those who are selfish think only of themselves. They are always focused on “what’s in it for me.” If there is no payoff to them personally, then they will not do something. They care for no one but themselves.

Likewise, the conceited person looks down on everyone else. They think they are better than everyone else. They have big heads and act and speak in a condescending manner to others. They are arrogant. They cannot learn the things of God because they either think they don’t need them, or they think they know better.

But humility is not like these things. The next words of the first verse today are that in humility we ought to, “…count others better than yourselves.”

We ought to look to the needs of others because in Christ we are all brothers and sisters. We are a family of God and should look for the best for each other.

There is an old saying that captures the difference between the conceited and the humble. It says, “It is better to give a hand up than a handout.”

The conceited might give a hand out to those who are needy because the conceited believe they are better than others. They do it out of selfishness and may do this only so that they look good or there is some advantage for them, maybe a tax break or something.

But the humble give a hand up to try to lift people up and help them back on to the right path. They want to see the best for those who are down and see them restored. It’s not about what they give or what’s in it for themselves, but rather what will help the other person find their way.

How do we show humility?

The second verse in this section today shows us how we are to show humility, and it is very similar to the commandment that says, “Love your neighbour as yourself.”

The scripture says:

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

A humble person considers the needs and requirements of others. They are not just focused on their own situation, but are actively interested and aware of the needs of those around them. And when they identify a need they help to fill that need or to solve a problem affecting others.

Now you will note that the scripture does NOT say we ONLY look to the interests of others. We do not have to be martyrs to the causes of others and not look after ourselves.

What it says is that we need to look out for ourselves, but to also consider the needs of others as being equally important. This makes sense because if we are not looking out for ourselves we will not be in a position to assist others when they have a need.

It’s all about balance and being prepared to do what is necessary to aid others, not for our benefit but for theirs.

And this is what humility is all about. It is considering the needs of others and showing them the love of God by providing for them as we are able. It is about using the knowledge, skill, and resources that the Lord has given to us to be able to aid others.

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