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Conspiracy Theories and Controversies

(1 Timothy 1:1-4)

Today I begin looking at a new book: 1 Timothy. Unlike many of the previous letters of Paul, this one is different. Those others were written to churches, but this letter is to an individual, so the tenor of the words is quite different.

Conspiracy theories and controversies

Timothy was a young man at the time the letter was written, but he worked as an evangelist and did much teaching. The opening words of Paul could have been written to people today. He instructs Timothy to warn people not to get involved in myths and endless genealogies which only promote speculation.

That is much the same as the countless conspiracy theories and controversies we see throughout the world today. So, let’s have a look at this issue.

Conspiracy theories and controversies

The world is full of them! And it has gotten worse with the coming of COVID as all manner of things and people have been blamed.

Things I have heard is that it’s a government plot, a CIA plot, a plot by Bill Gates, an Illuminati plot, or even that it is caused by the roll out of the 5G mobile phone network.

And then there are all of the conspiracy theories and controversies surrounding the COVID vaccines. Everything from mind control to a process to kill off the older generations. Some claim it is the mark of the beats spoken of in Revelation, and the lists go on and on.

And it is all rubbish! Every part of these conspiracy theories and controversies is just pure unadulterated rubbish.

The seeds of dissension

All that these conspiracy theories and controversies achieve is to sow seeds of dissension and discontent.

People take sides believing one thing or another and they each have their own set of “experts” and/or statistics to prove their point of view.

It has gotten so bad that people are taking to the streets in demonstrations wreaking havoc in the communities. And all they achieve is more pain and suffering, more lock-downs, and the creation of events that are more likely to spread the virus than contain it.


Distractions from the truth

If we read the scripture today, we see there is another impact of these conspiracy theories and contradictions.

1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, 2 To Timothy, my true child in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. 3 As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, 4 nor to occupy themselves with myths and endless genealogies which promote speculations rather than the divine training that is in faith (1 Timothy 1:1-4)

Paul was concerned that the conspiracy theories and controversies contained in the pursuit of these myths and endless genealogies only promote speculations.

And it’s no different today. People will speculate for ages, poring over so-called evidence to try and prove their conspiracies. And yet none of these things come to pass and they never find proof of the things they want so badly to believe.

Why? Because all they do is to promote speculations which are distractions from the truth.

They can never find the truth because they are distracted by the lies that are these myths, conspiracy theories and controversies.

The appeal of Christ

As Christians we should ignore all of these conspiracy theories and controversies. They lead to nothing and they take the people of the Lord away from seeking the truth.

When Christians focus on these things they are not looking to the Lord.

These myths, conspiracy theories and controversies are constructs of the devil and are worldly. They are of this world, not of the Kingdom of God. They do not lead to the REAL truth, which is only found in Jesus Christ.

The real truth leads us to life in God’s kingdom. And if that is our aim, then what is the use of all of the pointless conspiracy theories and controversies? It has no point but to distract us from seeking the truth, and it causes dissension between people.

This is NOT the way of the Lord.

The Way of the Lord

Jesus is the way, as we are told in scripture. His way leads to the truth and life.

Following Christ is vastly more important than anything on this earth, including these stupid conspiracy theories and controversies.

So what if these things are government, Illuminati, CIA, or even Bill Gates’ plots? Will it change the path mapped out by God for His people and their salvation, that He set in place before the foundation of the world?

How small and pointless are the efforts and cunning of man compared to the wisdom of God. How transparent are the activities of man to God. There is nothing outside of the vision and control of God and there is nothing that will stand in the way of His will.

Reject the pointless conspiracy theories and controversies. They lead to nothing and take away from what is important: seeking Jesus Christ.

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