Confidence in the Lord

(Hebrews 4:14-16 – Confidence in the Lord)

If there is one thing that we can have as Christians, it is confidence in the Lord. Through the grace of God and the work He accomplished in the death and resurrection of Jesus, we can be confident that God loves us.

Confidence in the Lord
Confidence in the Lord

God has provided for every situation that we might face. The work of Jesus sets us free from sin, and the ongoing work and power of the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to have the victory over the flesh. Jesus truly was the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, as the scriptures tell us. And because He did what He did, we can be confident in the Lord that what God promised will happen.

This scripture today tells us that we can and should have confidence in the Lord. He knows our plight and has experienced first hand what it means to be human. So, today we look at why we can have confidence in the Lord.

Confidence in the Lord because He understands

The scripture today tells us that Jesus understands what we are going through. This is what it says:

14 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we have not a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16)

Jesus has “seen it all” so to speak. He stood with God and is seated at the right hand of God in the heavenly places as the Son of the Most High God.

But Jesus has also experienced life as a man in human form on the earth. He created all things, as we are told in John chapter 1, and He became part of His Creation when He was born onto the earth, lived, and died. He experienced all of the facets of humanity and lived a life without ever sinning.

That is why the scripture says above that He can sympathise with our weaknesses, and He understands our struggles against temptation and sin. He has experienced all of these things first hand. He is not like an academic who only reads things in a book and never experiencing those things. But Jesus lived this life and understands what we are going through in this world of sin, ruled by the devil, who only wants to destroy.

This is why we can have confidence in the Lord, because He understands our plight.

God loves us

We must also remember that we can have confidence in the Lord because He loves us. God loves His people and Jesus loves us too. God is love and love is His nature.

But even more than that, God’s love for us is so strong, and so deep that He is prepared to overlook our sins and transgressions when we come to Him in repentance and for forgiveness. His desire is that we find the truth and turn away from this world to seek a better world, promised to those who love God.

God loves us so much that He established the path for us to be set free from sin. He achieved this in the death and resurrection of Jesus. He gave us Jesus’ death and resurrection so that we could be set free from sin and be born anew as new creations in Christ Jesus.

Furthermore, we can have confidence in the Lord because He didn’t just stop at the death and resurrection of Christ. He also offered the Holy Spirit to all who ask and come to Him so that we can not only have our sins taken away, but the passions and desires of the flesh can be overcome. The work of the Spirit is to teach us the ways of the Lord and to give us victory over the flesh through learning to walk in the Spirit.

With all of these things and even more gifts God has given us, we can have confidence as we walk and stand in the presence of God.

Confidence in the Lord and the Plan of God

Our confidence in the Lord can be seen in the plan of God for His people and the Creation. God’s plan has been laid out for us to see and understand.

God has provided the Bible with us for a number of reasons. It is to teach us right from wrong. The Bible teaches us the ways of God and what we must learn to walk in His ways.

But the Bible also is filled with prophecy. The prophetic words of God in the Bible have been given to us so that we can know what His plans are. And we have seen many of the prophecies come to pass.

For example, the coming of Jesus was prophesied hundreds of years prior to His coming as a babe in Bethlehem. There are many different estimates as to how many of the Old Testament prophecies Jesus fulfilled by His coming, ranging from over three hundred to five hundred and seventy-four. The differences are based around things like whether we count only direct Messianic prophecies, or allusions and indirect references, or even whether to count prophecies that were repeated twice. Whatever the number though, it is evident that Christ fulfilled all of the prophecies concerning His coming and His ministry.

And that is only part of the prophetic story. There are many other prophecies in the Old Testament about times and events that have taken place already, as well as things to come. And this does not even include New Testament prophecies about the times we live in and things that have taken place since Christ died.

The point is that God has told us beforehand of the things He is doing, and all of those things will come to pass. So, we can have confidence in the Lord because He will do what He said He will do. There is an end coming on this world, in accordance with His word, and there is an eternal salvation for those who believe.

So, let us hold fast our confidence in the Lord until the end, knowing that He will do as He promised. God is faithful and His word stands and will not change. Our confidence in the Lord is not in vain but holds the promise for our future with Christ and with God forever.

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