Category: Romans 14
Faith Versus Doubt
(Romans 14:20-23) It is a fine line that we walk as Christians for we need to always be aware of what we hold to by faith. There are many things that people believe that have no basis in the bible, and many other things that are held as forms of Christianity that are based on…
Walking In Love
(Romans 14:13-19) In all the things that we have come to as Christians, this is the most important. We are being trained in Christ so the we may be like Hime. We are being transformed by the Holy Spirit into the image of Jesus Christ, who is Himself the image of the Father. And we…
Every Knee Shall Bow
(Romans 14:10-12) It is a sobering thought to realize that we shall all have to give account before God for every action we have done, every word we have spoken and every judgement we have made. These few verses should give all people pause to consider their lives and how they choose to live. Note…
Be Convinced
(Romans 14:5-9) Among Christians there are many beliefs, some of which have no basis in the bible, some that are a little strange to some people and some that seem unbelievable but are in fact based in the truth. Some beliefs are quite harmless in the total scheme of things regarding the truth of Christianity…
Brotherly Love
(Romans 14:1-4) There are many people with different Christian backgrounds who read this and other Christian blogs. They come from all denominations and sects of the church, both from mainstream churches as well as small independent groups, home churches and those going solo who are in-between churches. The one thing ALL of these people have…