Category: Matthew
Jesus and the Parables
(Matthew 13:34-43) Do you understand Jesus and the parables? Do you know why Jesus spoke to the people in parables? In this section we see the reason why he did so and also how we can learn to understand the parables of Jesus. The section begins with Jesus leaving the people and going into a…
The Kingdom of God is Within You – Parable of the Leaven
(Matthew 13:33) This short parable of the leaven is talking about the kingdom of God within you. It is similar to the previous parable of mustard seed, but there are some marked differences. There are many commentators who have placed a negative connotation on this parable of the leaven because Jesus uses the analogy of…
The Parable of Mustard Seed
(Matthew 13:31-32) Jesus gave a number of parables concerning the kingdom of God and the parable of mustard seed seen in this section is particularly interesting. The parable of mustard seed has been interpreted many different ways. I believe there is both a meaning for the community of God’s people and for the individual in…
Weeds Among the Wheat, Wheat and the Tares
(Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) Jesus provides another parable of what the kingdom of God is like in the parable of the weeds among the wheat, or as the KJV states, the tares among the wheat. While we think of weeds in many ways and varieties, the original Greek word translated as weeds among the wheat or…
Why Jesus Spoke in Parables
(Matthew 13:10-17) When Jesus taught the people he used parables, analogies, stories and figures of speech to convey the messages of the Kingdom of God. Why Jesus spoke in parables was so that the truth of the kingdom could be spoken and at the same time kept hidden from those who chose not to find…
The Parable of the Sower
(Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23) The parable of the sower gives us tremendous insight into how people will react to hearing the words of God. It shows us what they will do upon hearing it and helps us understand why it is that some people do not, cannot or will not accept Jesus. In the first part…
The Family of God
(Matthew 12:46-50) Everyone knows Jesus had a mother by the name of Mary. But many people do not realise he also had brothers and sisters too. He was part of an earthly family as well as being in the family of God. This comes as a shock to some people the first time they see…
One Important Reason to Receive the Holy Spirit
(Matthew 12:43-45) Jesus gives us two fascinating insights in this short section. First he provides an insight into the spiritual realm. He shows us what happens to a demon when it is cast out of a man. Second, he then gives us a warning to make the necessary changes that will keep the evil spirits…
A Sign from God
(Matthew 12:38-42) The Pharisees and the scribes came to Jesus saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” (Verse 38) What they were actually asking was, “Prove you are the Son of God.” Jesus had already performed many signs and miracles before their eyes and yet they still did not believe in him.…
The Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:29-32) There are many wrong things a person might do which the Lord will forgive them for when they turn to him in repentance. However there is only one thing that the Lord ever said would not be forgiven. We see it here in vs. 31-32 where he says, “Therefore I tell you, every…
A Divided Kingdom will not Stand
(Matthew 12:22-28) The Pharisees continued to grow more jealous, envious and hostile toward Jesus. Their criticism of the work he was doing was evil and wrong. They could find no real fault with his message and so they made things up. They spoke lies to a depth of evil that was unimaginable considering the good…