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Category: Matthew 22

  • Jesus is the Son of David

    (Matthew 22:41-46) After silencing the Herodians and the Sadducees, Jesus asked the Pharisees a question saying, “What do you think of the Christ? Whose son is he?” The Pharisees answered, “The son of David.” Jesus responded, “How is it then that David, inspired by the Spirit, calls him Lord, saying, ‘The Lord said to my…

  • Marriage in the Resurrection

    (Matthew 22:23-33) The Sadducees were testing Jesus again after he had silenced the Herodians. The Sadducees believed there is no resurrection, but showed their malice towards Jesus by questioning him over a matter to do with resurrection, marriage in the resurrection. They concocted a situation of a man who had a wife and the man…

  • Paying Taxes to Caesar

    (Matthew 22:15-22) There are some interesting aspects to this teaching about paying taxes to Caesar. The Herodians sought to entangle Jesus in his talk. They sought to have him say it was wrong to pay taxes to Caesar so that they could accuse him of defying the ruling authorities. But Jesus was aware of their…

  • Wedding Garments for the Marriage Feast

    (Matthew 22:11-14) The great invitation will go out to many people to come to the marriage feast in the kingdom of heaven. Many will be called but few will be chosen. (Verse 14) There will be a great number who will be called but not everyone will answer the call. I believe that at some…

  • Parable of the Marriage Feast – The Great Invitation

    (Matthew 22:1-10) The parable of the marriage feast is interesting for several reasons. It was given to the chief priests and Pharisees and showed how they and those who acted similarly to them were unworthy of the kingdom of heaven. It also shows how the great invitation to all mankind was given so that every…