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Category: Matthew 10

  • Representatives and Rewards from God

    (Matthew 10:40-42) We must be careful how we treat people and especially the people of God. Jesus shows in this section that we should consider whenever we are dealing with the people of God that we are dealing with the Father himself. He says in verse 40, “”He who receives you receives me, and he…

  • Not Peace but a Sword

    (Matthew 10:34-39) Here is a fascinating scripture, especially at this time of the year when people have been celebrating Christmas. At Christmas we see people saying, “Peace on earth and goodwill to men.” One of the challenges we find in the Bible is that every now and then there are scriptures that seem to contradict…

  • There is Hope in God for He Cares for Us

    (Matthew 10:26-35) Do you have hope for the future? Do you worry about tomorrow and what it may bring? If you are in Christ there is no need to fear about tomorrow for the Father himself cares for you. There is hope in God for he cares for us. It is not even possible to…

  • Suffering for Jesus Sake

    (Matthew 10:24-26) It goes without saying that no man can be greater than Jesus who is Lord and the Son of God. However every person can aspire to be like Jesus. One of the reasons for his appearing was to provide us with many examples of how we are to live in this world. He…

  • Sheep in the midst of Wolves

    (Matthew 10:16-23) Jesus told his disciples when he sent them out to preach and teach that they were going into a dangerous situation. The imagery of sheep in the midst of wolves conveys a picture of warning and danger. He made no promises here that when you teach the word of God all would be…

  • The Disciples Commission and Earning their Income

    (Matthew 10:5-15 – The Disciples Commission and Earning their Income) After Jesus had selected the twelve who were commissioned to be his initial disciples, he gave them authority to do many works. They were to go out amongst the people and to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and most importantly to…

  • Power and Authority

    (Matthew 10:1-4) There is a marked distinction between power and authority. You can have the power to do something, but without the authority you are not able to do it. Similarly you may have the authority to do something but not the power. In order to be truly effective at anything you must have both…