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Category: Mark

  • Breaking Bread in Remembrance

    (Mark 14:22-25) As Jesus and the disciples took the Passover, Jesus blessed and broke bread giving some of it to each of them. He said, “Take; this is my body.” (Verse 22) Then he took the cup and gave it to them to drink saying, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured…

  • Jesus Speaks of His Betrayal

    (Mark 14:12-21) In this section we see Jesus eating his final Passover with the disciples. The disciples ask where they should prepare the Passover for him and we see him operate the word of knowledge advising them where to go. He tells them they will find a man carrying a jar of water and to…

  • Betrayal of Jesus

    (Mark 14:10-11) Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve disciples hand-picked by Jesus to walk with him and assist in the ministry. But unlike the other disciples he was selected also for a separate purpose. And there are lessons we can learn from Judas that will help us today too. Jesus said of Judas in…

  • Looking at Things as Jesus Sees Them

    (Mark 14:1-9) In some of my recent posts I have alluded to the way that the Lord does not look at things as man does. The Lord looks at things from a spiritual perspective, but man sees things in a physical way. Naturally this is because Jesus is spirit and man is flesh. So man…

  • Watch for the Coming of the Lord

    (Mark 13:32-36) This is probably the most important lesson of all of the prophecies of the Lord’s return that he gave to us. Right throughout these few scriptures he hammers home the message to watch for his return. Watch for the signs and know that he is on the way soon. One thing we need…

  • Learn the Lesson of the Fig Tree

    (Mark 13:24-31) Jesus continues describing the signs of the end in this section and specifically those leading up to his second coming. He tells us that the sun will be darkened and the moon will lose it’s light. The stars will fall from the heavens and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Some…

  • Signs of the End

    (Mark 13:14-23) In this section of scripture Jesus discusses some specifics about the times of the end. He is telling his disciples what will be some of the signs of the times at the time of the end and gives his people strong warnings about what will happen and what they should do. Within the…

  • Call for Endurance

    (Mark 13:9-13) In this section of scripture Jesus talks about the need for endurance at the time of the end. There are tough times ahead for those who come to Christ, but the reward is worth the effort. Consider the photo on this page. This runner was exhausted at the end of his race, and…

  • Take Heed That No One Leads You Astray

    (Mark 13:3-8) When the disciples ask Jesus about the signs of the end and his second coming, Jesus commenced his discussion with these words, “Take heed that no-one leads you astray.” (Verse 5) This warning was not for the disciples at that time as much as it is for us in this time and this…

  • The Hope of Eternity is in Christ

    (Mark 13:1-2) There is nothing in this world that will last forever. This world has been doomed to decay and will pass away. Jesus showed in this scripture that even those bricks and mortar structures that seem so permanent will not last. Paul wrote also, “…for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its…

  • The Lesson of the Widows Mites

    (Mark 12:41-44) Jesus sat in the temple opposite the treasury and watched the people giving gifts. Many rich people put in large sums, but there was a poor widow who contributed just two coins. These coins in total amounted to about one penny. Rather than consider this to be insignificant Jesus teaches us a valuable…

  • Son of David, Son of God

    (Mark 12:35-40) As Jesus taught in the temple he asked this question. “How can the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David?” (Verse 35) He continued on showing that, “David himself, inspired by the Holy Spirit, declared, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, till I put thy…