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Category: Mark

  • The Great Commission

    (Mark 16:14-20) In these final verses of the Gospel of Mark we see the Lord commission the disciples to go out and preach the gospel to all of the world. He adds some interesting details, information and conditions in this section that it is worth listening to. The key to salvation mentioned in this section…

  • Believe in the Lord

    (Mark 16:9-14) When the Lord arose on the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene. Then he appeared to two others who were walking in the country. Each of these people then went to the apostles and others and told them they had seen Jesus. And what was the reaction of…

  • Jesus Resurrection

    (Mark 16:1-8) This section of scripture contains the defining moment in Christianity. The one significant difference between Christianity and all other religions of the world lies in these few verses. The major difference between Christianity and all other religions is in the resurrection. Only Christianity preaches and teaches the resurrection of the dead. It is…

  • Burial of Jesus

    (Mark 15:40-47) After Jesus had died we see there were some women looking on from afar. They included Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, Joses and Salome, who was actually Jesus’ mother. When he had been taken down Joseph of Arimathea, who was a respected member of the council, took courage and went…

  • Death Of Jesus

    (Mark 15:33-39) The death of Jesus from a human perspective is one of the saddest and most unjust events of all time. He suffered and died the death of a criminal when in truth he had done no wrong. However there is another aspect to the death of Jesus which for mankind is the greatest…

  • Jesus Led Away to Death

    (Mark 15:16-32) Jesus had been tried, convicted and condemned in a kangaroo court. There was no justice and the greatest casualty of the process was the truth. He was taken off to his death on the basis of lies. Adding insult to injury he was mocked and belittled by the soldiers who led him away.…

  • Jesus Sent to Pilate

    (Mark 15:1-15) After Jesus was put on trial before the chief priests and elders, they held a meeting and decided to bind him and deliver him to Pilate. Pilate asked Jesus whether he was King of the Jews and Jesus responded, “You have said so.” (Verse 2) Despite the many charges made by the chief…

  • Peter Denying Christ

    (Mark 14:66-72) After Jesus had been arrested and taken away, Peter followed at a distance, entered the courtyard and was warming himself at the fire. He was recognised by one of the maids of the high priest and subsequently by other bystanders as having been amongst the disciples of Jesus. Three times this happened and…

  • The Trial of Jesus

    (Mark 14:51-65) Of all of the recorded trials in history none could possibly compare to the trial of Jesus for a complete lack of evidence and a judgement that was made before the trial began. To call this a “kangaroo court” is to muddy the name of kangaroo courts. It was such a farce that…

  • Jesus Betrayed

    (Mark 14:42-50) Here we see the betrayal of Jesus take place. All that he said would happen came to pass. Judas came by night to this private garden with a contingent of soldiers and others to betray him into the hands of the chief priests for trial and his murder. What is typical of the…

  • Let This Cup Pass

    (Mark 14:32-42) Jesus took the disciples, Peter, James and John with him into the gardens at Gethsemane to pray, knowing his betrayal was at hand. He was greatly distressed and deeply troubled as he knew the suffering that he was to suffer on our behalf. And in this section we see how deeply that pain…

  • I Will Strike the Shepherd

    (Mark 14:26-31) Jesus was about to be arrested and taken to trial and he told the disciples that on that very night they would all fall away. This was to fulfil the words of the prophets that said, “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.” (Verse 27) The disciples quite horrified…