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Category: Luke

  • A House Built Upon the Rock

    (Luke 6:46-49) Jesus taught us many things during his ministry on earth. Here he shows us the key to his ministry and what we should do about it. When we follow his teachings in this matter we will not fall like a poorly built structure, but like a lighthouse we will stand against adversity and…

  • Out of the Abundance of the Heart

    (Luke 6:43-45) A while ago I heard this story about a frog and a scorpion that illustrates this teaching rather well. It went something like this. A frog and a scorpion stood on the bank of a river and wanted to get to the other side. The scorpion could not swim and so he asked…

  • Take the Log out of Your Own Eye First

    (Luke 6:41-42) Jesus raised an excellent point in this section of scripture. It is one of the great problems of mankind today and he showed up this flaw in human nature which is incredibly damaging. It is the issue of criticism and condemnation. What is the Log in Your Eye? There are people in this…

  • Blind Leading the Blind

    (Luke 6:39-42) There are a great many things taught in this world the name of Christianity that are not. They have no scriptural basis and sometimes are the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches. Often these things are taught for the purpose of gaining an advantage over others. And sometimes they come from the…

  • The Measure You Give Will Be The Measure You Get Back

    The measure you give will be the measure you get back is an interesting concept put forward by the Lord in the Bible. It is a complete reversal to the way the world works. Read it now to see more.

  • God Is Merciful

    (Luke 6:32-36) There is a saying frequently used in the world today. “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours!” It has nothing to do with having an itchy back, but is saying that if you help me out than I’ll help you. It is all about payback. Give me something so that I can…

  • Love Your Enemies

    (Luke 6:27-31) What is the toughest thing you have ever been asked to do? I would have to say the lesson in todays scripture is probably the toughest that there is. The message here is to love your enemies and to do good to those who hate you. Why Love Your Enemies? We have been…

  • Warnings and Woes

    (Luke 6:24-26) Do you have young kids? Have you ever had to watch kids in the kitchen or on the beach or around the barbecue? They run around without a fear in the world and if you don’t watch them it often ends in tears. Even when you do watch them, they are so darned…

  • Rejoice When Men Hate You for Jesus Sake

    (Luke 6:22-23) Any person who makes the choice to follow Christ will suffer. It is not an easy walk to stand up for the truth and for Christ Jesus in a world where anything goes. Jesus gives us fair warning that if we choose to follow him we will be hated, but here in this…

  • Turned Around by the Truth

    (Luke 6:21) Jesus continues the Beatitudes in this verse saying, “Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. “Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh.” The truth of the New Covenant and a relationship with Jesus are the catalysts for this transformation in the lives of people. How many…

  • Blessed are the Poor

    (Luke 6:20) Jesus began the sermon on the mount teaching the blessings we have come to know as the Beatitudes. These short teachings are powerful messages that still offer hope and promise today as much as they did then. Their insight has rung down through the centuries with the offer and promise of a hopeful…

  • Jesus Fulfilled the Law

    (Luke 6:17-19) After appointing the twelve we see Jesus comes down from the mountain and is greeted by a great crowd of people. His fame had spread considerably and his ministry was well into stride at this time. At this point he is about to commence what has become known as the sermon on the…