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Category: Luke 17

  • Whoever Seeks to Gain His Life Will Lose It

    (Luke 17:33-37) The warning in this scripture is quite a difficult one for many people in this world. It flies in the face of human wisdom, which is not unusual because God’s wisdom is different to human wisdom. But this particular saying in Verse 33 is a bit of a puzzle and it has quite…

  • The Coming of the Lord

    (Luke 17:25-32) The Lord is coming. He never tells a lie and if he said he is coming then you can bank on it happening. The second coming of the Lord is not far off too. Exactly when it will happen I don’t know and nor does anyone else, but be assured it will happen.…

  • The Greatest Show on Earth

    (Luke 17:22-25) I remember as a child being fascinated by the circus. Not that I ever wanted to run away and join one, but they were magical places full of wonder. They were larger than life places and used all kinds of imagery to fire up the imagination and awe of children. One of the…

  • Where is the Kingdom of God

    (Luke 17:20-21) The Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would be coming. They knew it was coming for the prophecies of the Old Testament indicated as much. They were expecting the Messiah to come and bring with him the Kingdom of God. They were also expecting to be rulers in this kingdom. Little…

  • Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers

    (Luke 17:11-19) The parable of the ten lepers shows us several things. It speaks of faith, healing and gratitude. It also shows us that you cannot always know who it is that will most likely be the one that comes to the Lord. And in his lesson we need to recognise that all good things…

  • Serving the Lord

    (Luke 17:7-10) If you are serving the Lord do you have great expectations as to your reward for the work you do? Because you are serving the Lord, do you believe that you have a greater entitlement than others in the blessings of the Lord? If so you may be in for a shock for…

  • Increase Our Faith

    (Luke 17:5-6) Ever cried out to the Lord saying those words? “Increase our faith!” Have you ever felt that your faith was lacking? Almost every Christian has asked at some time these same words that the disciples of the Lord asked him in this section of scripture. But the answer Jesus gave them is quite…

  • Resist Temptation

    (Luke 17:1-2) For those who are coming to Jesus one of the great challenges is the need to resist temptation. In this section of scripture Jesus makes it abundantly clear that temptation to sin will surely come just as night always follows day. So it is important that we understand how to resist temptation and…