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Category: Colossians

  • Greet and Welcome your Brethren in the Lord

    There are some interesting insights that we can gain from Paul’s closing comments and greetings to various people in his letters. Read this article to find out more.

  • Conducting yourself as a Christian

    Conducting yourself as a Christian is one of those changes that need to take place. And to be honest it is not hard to do to make small changes that grow over time. Read on to find out more.

  • Seeking God’s will through prayer

    This scripture today gives us some important information about seeking God’s will in prayer. It tells us how we should pray, what we might ask for, and the necessity to pray regularly both for ourselves and others.

  • You have a Master in Heaven

    Slavery may not be a common thing today, but we are still slaves to human desire. You have a master in heaven who is offering you freedom.

  • Are you working for a living with Christ?

    Whatever you do in your life you are working for a living. That doesn’t mean to earn money but rather working for a living with Christ.

  • How to improve our relationships in the Lord

    It is important in God’s eyes that we learn how to improve our relationships in the Lord. The advice and insights given in these scriptures will guide us how to improve our relationships in the Lord

  • Do Everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus

    Being a Christian is not something we do just on Sundays, or whenever we happen to meet together with other Christians. Instead we must learn to do EVERYTHING in the name of the Lord Jesus.

  • Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly is both a great encouragement and a warning to ensure you fill yourself with the words of Christ Jesus.

  • Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts

    Peace is incredibly important for we have been called to peace in Jesus Christ. Peace is one of the things we strive for as Christians. But the ways of the world can overturn our peace and take our peace away from us. And this is why this scripture is so important to remember

  • The Power of God is shown through Love

    What is it that Christians are really called to do? What are we to become as we walk with Christ? Quite simply we are to learn to love as Christ and God love us. We are to be transformed into their image for the power of God is shown through love.

  • Jesus is the end of racial intolerance

    Jesus is the end of racial intolerance as it is through faith that all of the barriers that cause prejudice disappear. There cannot be racism in Jesus Christ because we seek to love as He loved us and there is no bigotry or racism in love.

  • Victory over the Flesh by the Power of God

    If we are to live with God, the passions of the flesh need to be controlled and crushed. We need to have the victory over the flesh by the power of God so as to no longer be under the power of our sinful passions and emotions.