Category: Acts
Miracles of Faith in a Virtual World
(Acts 5:12-16) We live in a virtual world these days. Much of what we do and how we connect with one another is done online. We have instantaneous access to information and people across the world by using the Internet. We make friends, find partners, do work and find entertainment in the virtual world. The…
Lying To God
(Acts 5:1-11) Who in their right mind thinks they can hide anything from God? God sees all, knows all, understands and created all. So what can you hide from God? And if you cannot hide anything from God what is the point of lying to Him about anything? This section of Acts shows what can…
Christian Giving vs. Tithing
(Acts 4:32-37 – Christian Giving vs. Tithing) The process of giving in the early Christian church was not like it was under the law of Judaism. In Jesus Christ the people had been set free from the confines of the Old Testament law, but this did not take place until the New Covenant came into…
Signs And Wonders
(Acts 4:23-31) Throughout the New Testament we see that first Jesus and then the disciples worked many signs of healing and other wonders as they preached the gospel and began to spread the words of the truth. Consider some of the things that Jesus did among the people. He healed the sick, fed the multitudes,…
Taught By Jesus
(Acts 4:13) This one verse today is very interesting and one we should consider carefully today. It goes to the heart of ministry and who is capable of teaching the word of Jesus. Let’s first have a quick look at the verse itself. “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived…
Why Repentance
(Acts 3:17-26) How many times have you seen repentance depicted in the media or cartoons as some scruffy old guy wearing a sign that says something like, “Repent, the end is near!” Or how many times is repentance shown as some preacher breathing threats of hellfire and damnation if people don’t repent and turn to…
The Power of Jesus Name
(Acts 3:1-16) As Peter and John came to the temple at the hour of prayer, they came upon a beggar laying at the temple gate seeking alms from the people. This beggar had not asked to be healed but simply looked at Peter and John asking them in the hope they may give him some…
(Acts 2:42-47) One of the key messages of the gospel in the New Testament is the need for fellowship. We see the purpose and focus of fellowship in these few verses in Acts 2 after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Fellowship is important, but what does it really entail? What is required…
Promise of Salvation
(Acts 2:36-41) As Peter concluded his oration on Pentecost Day we see the unfolding of the first massive calling to the people and the revelation of salvation. In these few words we find an example of the Great Commission that Jesus told the disciples they were to carry out. This day brought the beginnings of…
Peter Convicts The Jews
(Acts 2:25-36) Peter stood with the disciples on the Day of Pentecost and with a voice powered by the Holy Spirit he spoke and convicted the people of Jerusalem over the death of Jesus. He showed them in no uncertain terms from the scriptures that they all were familiar with, that they had put to…