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Category: Acts 5

  • Wisdom of Gamaliel

    (Acts 5:33-42) As humans we frequently generalize about all kinds of things. We make broad sweeping statements and too often it is wrong to do so. Paul pointed this out in the Bible when writing to Titus in Titus 1:12 saying, One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil…

  • Who Should You Listen To

    (Acts 5:27-32) The apostles had been imprisoned for the sake of the word of God and their testimony to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the lord sent His angel to release them and tell them to continue to teach and proclaim God’s message. When the leaders sought to examine them they did not find…

  • The Lords work WILL Be Done

    (Acts 5:21-26) Think about Jonah. He tried to escape from doing the work of The Lord by running away to sea. Did he get very far? Nope! The Lord brought a storm down, threatening to sink the boat Jonah was on until the sailors threw him overboard to be swallowed by the great fish. The…

  • This Life

    (Acts 5:17-20) These scriptures hold a few interesting teachings that bear thinking about. They firstly show the nature of man and the opposition that those who follow Jesus will receive. Then they go on to identify what it is that causes the people of the world to oppose the words of The Lord. We see…

  • Miracles of Faith in a Virtual World

    (Acts 5:12-16) We live in a virtual world these days. Much of what we do and how we connect with one another is done online. We have instantaneous access to information and people across the world by using the Internet. We make friends, find partners, do work and find entertainment in the virtual world. The…

  • Lying To God

    (Acts 5:1-11) Who in their right mind thinks they can hide anything from God? God sees all, knows all, understands and created all. So what can you hide from God? And if you cannot hide anything from God what is the point of lying to Him about anything? This section of Acts shows what can…