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Christmas and the Birth Of Jesus

It was a little over two thousand years ago that the Lord was born onto this earth. He came to do a job and to fulfill a role that had been set for Him by His Father…God.

In all of the noise at this time of year, too often people forget the reasons why Jesus came. And it wasn’t about marketing, presents & having a big feast on Christmas Day.

We should first understand that although we commemorate the birth of Jesus at this time of year, he was not born on 25th December. Many people have tried to work out exactly when He was born and most suggest it was probably no later than September or October.

If you are so inclined you can search and find plenty of information on the web to suggest other dates with excellent reasons why they chose that date.

But regardless of when Jesus was born, it is more important to understand WHY He was born.

To that end I have collected a few posts from my blog looking at this topic.


First, let us look at the manner of His birth & how he was first presented to the world. In this post we see the heavenly announcements, to whom they were made and why.
The Coming Of The Lord Announced

Next we see how the birth of Jesus took place. Born in a manger in the most humble of circumstances. Jesus did not come with the trappings of kings, but in the presence of barn animals. Nor was He born in the presence of kings but was first visited by shepherds, humble workmen who were a type of which Jesus was to become for He is the great shepherd of the flock of God.
Shepherds In The Fields By Night

Commemorating Christmas

This next post provides an interesting insight into the whole point of commemorating Christmas or Jesus’ birth. Given that the Bible does not provide an accurate date of His birth, is it important to know? Certainly it is a reason for great joy that He came, but is it so important that we need to have this celebration? In fact Jesus Himself said that what we SHOULD remember and commemorate is His death. And we do this by breaking bread & taking communion. This post considers these issues briefly.
The Birth Of Jesus

Other Interesting Things about His Birth

As Jesus grew we see Him presented to the priests in accordance with the Mosaic Law and we see Him blessed. This post looks at some of the events that took place at that time shortly after His birth.
Baby Jesus Blessed In The Temple

Finally I have included another post for it is important to realize that there were many prophecies pointing to Jesus coming. Moses himself said that God would raise up a prophet to lead God’s people just as he had been raised up, and it is incredible to see how many similarities there are between the early lives of Jesus and Moses. This post considers some of those.
Similarities between Jesus and Moses Birth

I hope this short study looking at Jesus’ birth has provided some insights. At this tme of year it is easy to get carried away with the festivities, feasting, gifts & not to mention the stresses associated with Christmas. Let us though not lose sight of what is important in all things and that is to focus on Jesus Christ and seeking the will of God. Jesus was not born on December 25th but we can and should remember Him EVERY day of the year.

May The Lord bless you always.


4 responses to “Christmas and the Birth Of Jesus”

  1. Calvin Jones Avatar
    Calvin Jones

    This is a great post! Since I have been reborn into what I call “The Truth,” I have had several discussions on these topics of Easter and Christmas celebrations. When I explain how these two observances came from pagan traditions, I am told, I believe we should recognize Christ birth and resurrection. As John mentioned in a previous blog, what we must remember is Christ was born for our sake, he was born a sinless being, the “Son of God” yet he sacrificed His life for our sins, He who was born without sin, became the final sacrificial offering for our sins. God explained to Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy, that the nation of Israel was not to inquire of the nations around them of their pagan worship, yet that’s exactly what happened. If my way of thinking is incorrect, please correct me, for this is what we Christians supposed to do for each other… Christ celebrated the Passover/Last Supper with His Disciples. When He broke the Bread for His body, and poured the wine for His Blood, this was the New Covenant, do this is remembrance of Me. How did we go from Jesus Christ sayings to eggs, chicks and bunnies? May the Lord continue to Bless John in his mission to share the TRUTH…

  2. Merrill McCarty Avatar
    Merrill McCarty

    All feasts and observances we are to keep are in the bible and leave no room for doubt. When God instructs us to keep a celebration we know why, how, and when to keep it. Since there is no command in the bible to celebrate or keep such a festival we know Christmas isn’t a God given celebration. In fact Christmas isn’t in the bible at all. Many like to skirt around it or deny it but history tells us that the celebration we now know as Christmas came from an old pagan festival called Saturnalia. There isn’t room or time to provide all the history here but check any good history book or encyclopedia and it’s there. We are not to have anything to do with even the smallest thing that came from old pagan religions in the worship of God. We are not to learn the way of the heathen and we are not to worship the true and living God as they worshiped their false gods.

    1. John Avatar

      Hi Merrill,

      I agree 100%. Christmas and Easter are both of pagan origin and have no place in Christianity. We are not told in the Bible to commemorate His birth and are told to remember His death and what His sacrifice did for us through breaking bread, not the pageantry of Easter. The whole Christmas & Easter business is a scam put in place by the devil to cause the people of God to worship devilish things by proxy.

      And you are right, there are some excellent references on the web that show these things. One of the more scholarly ones can be found in the work of Alexander Hislop in his book, “The Two Babylons” for anyone that seeks to find out more about the pagan origins of these holidays. Check it out at this link.

      Thanks for the comment.


  3. Bruce Mewett Avatar
    Bruce Mewett

    John – great post – thank you – will be sharing it in PraiseHour this Friday – 12pm – hope yo are feeling Ok – prayers Mate

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