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Blog Subject Studies

This page provides links to pages where I am adding subject studies from the information in the blog. Because the blog is a progressive study of the New Testament, beginning at Matthew & eventually ending in Revelation, it does not easily lend itself to subject studies.

At the time of writing this, there are well over 700 posts in the blog & this is increasing all the time. The intention here is to take that information from selected posts where there is a common thread or theme & bring them all together in one place.

I hope you find it useful & you can follow the links below to get to each of the study pages with the relevant blog post links.

Christmas and the Birth Of Jesus”

God bless.


5 responses to “Blog Subject Studies”

  1. Deb Fokos Avatar
    Deb Fokos

    I need to study the word and think God’s thoughts after Him as I’m under lots of spiritual attack and want to push forward in this fight.

  2. Norman Siyamuzhombwe Avatar
    Norman Siyamuzhombwe

    I want to study the word of God for my salvation and share with others because Jesus is coming and the world is on the verge of its ending end time messages

    1. carolmariev11 Avatar

      I agree that the Salvation Message is extremely important at this time, one f the most important as we seem to be reaching the End of the Age. I also think that it is also extremely important to know what is being taught and revealed to us in the final book, the Book of Revelation. Not only is it a Book of the New Testament with the Revelation of the last Days that the Father revealed to Jesus who then sent an angel with that revelation to John the Apostle for the benefit of the believers in His Church, also, it is a book in which the Lord promises a blessing to anyone who reads the Words of the Book and to anyone who hears the message and obeys it! If that is so, and it is according to the 1st Chapter of Revelation, it seems to be an important Book to study and understand and share along with the Gospel message at this time!

  3. Lourdes J. Lepiten Avatar
    Lourdes J. Lepiten

    I need to study the Word of God because I am teaching in the Sunday School

    1. John Avatar

      Hi Lourdes,
      My blog is actually a Bible study, commencing from Matthew chapter 1 and working progressively through the books of the New Testament. If you are teaching a subject study or a topic study, or if you are looking at specific verses for study in the Sunday school, then you can look up the subjects/topics from the “tags” or you can find specific bible verses/sections in the “Categories” lookup. It may not be exactly what you are looking for but could help and add something more to what you are doing.

      If I can help with anything else, feel free to send me an email.

      God bless…John

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