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The Power of Jesus to Heal

(Mark 6:53-56)

Jesus returned across the sea to the region of Gennes’arat. As soon as the people recognised him they ran about the neighbourhood and brought all of their sick to him for healing. They laid the sick in the market places and besought that they might just touch the fringe of his garment and as many as touched it were healed.

Healing the SickThe Lord did not turn anyone away who sought his help. Whether it was sickness, demon possession or need of teaching, he gave of himself to all manner of people. He did this work at no charge to the people and they were all healed or helped so that their needs were met. He did not ask them for money, tithes, gifts or offerings of any kind, but as many as asked him for a healing were healed, any time day or night.

The love of God and the Lord Jesus Christ for men can be clearly seen in the attitude of the Lord Jesus. Whilst he was harsh with the teachers of the day who were not teaching the word of God truthfully, he was gentle, patient and forbearing with the people. As it is written of him, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36)

Today he has not left us helpless. Today he has provided for us when we are harassed. Unlike the days when Jesus walked the earth, we now have the New Covenant in full force, which did not come into effect until after Jesus was put to death. He has given us the teachings of the New Covenant in the New Testament and will freely give the Holy Spirit to any who ask him as he showed saying, “…how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:13)

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to be our teacher, guide, comforter, protector and counsellor. The Holy Spirit has access to the full knowledge and power of God to do the work of transformation in each person so that they can be reformed in the image of Jesus Christ. Jesus has not left us harassed and helpless like those who were about him. He has provided all strength and power so that we may grow and learn his ways. He has given us power as John wrote, “But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God” (John 1:12)

Does he still do miraculous healings? Absolutely! When we come to him in accordance with his words and obedient to the gospel, his power can be released. I myself can bear witness to this miraculous power of the Lord as you may see in my personal testimonies at this link But in my mind the most miraculous thing of all is his call and the work of transformation in each of us. The other miracles may come and go, but it is through his power to change us into his likeness that we will abide with him forever.
(Picture sourced from ChristiansUnite.com)



